photo credit: r.d. cane

Hey there... Tina here.

I write about things that perplex me. I write about the things I can't seem to find the words to say. And I love people... like I really dig us. We're ridiculous, horrifyingly stupid at times, and in the very same moment, exquisitely beautiful.

Seriously - people stop me in my tracks on a regular basis. It's a good thing I don't cycle as much as I used to.

I'm 53, and while the Barbie movie to me was a little (ughhh a lot) on the nose, and frankly adorable instead of pow - I have been known to shout patriarchy whenever and wherever I want to (Thanks Nicolle Nattrass).

I'm a mom of 3 boys, well, they're not really boys anymore - but I do write about being their mom a lot, because I think trying to figure out how to navigate dude-ness in the middle of a Western male-identity crisis is really fucking hard.

I swear. Did I mention that?

While I am many professional things, wearing multiple hats as a story creative, Medium, is not where I show up in a jacket (unless it's awesome) This is where I write because I write because I write.

I blow off steam here.

I yearn here.

I struggle here.

I laugh at myself and at you here.

Gawwwwd Damannnnnnn we need to laugh more.

I think we have entered the Age of the Artist, and we need places like this to bring all of our raw bits to the page.

No one gets out of this alive - so come on now... let's write, read and celebrate each other.

You can find out more about me on my personal website

Connect with Tina Overbury
Tina Overbury

Tina Overbury

Story Artist with TinaOLife, Author Coaching with The Writer’s Adventure, Expressive Arts Therapy Student at Winnipeg's Expressive Arts Therapy Institute.