Stephen Curry is the greatest shooter of all time. Stephen Curry misses 52% of the shots he takes.

2 min readJun 11, 2019

Steph Curry is the greatest shooter in NBA history but even he misses more than half of the shots he takes. Here’s the thing. No matter how gifted or well prepared you are, there are going to be some “shots” in life that you will miss. This is the case for EVERYONE and when you “miss” there will always be the temptation to take fewer shots and be more cautious. Don’t do it!

“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm” — Winston Churchill

The greatest lever we have to attain success in anything, whether in business, in relationships and even with our own personal development is the ability to take shots consistently. The willingness to trying things that on the balance of probabilities may not work out is what propels us forward. It is no wonder that Kobe Bryant, the 3rd highest scorer in NBA history (with more points than Michael Jordan) simultaneously holds the record for the most missed shots as well.

So next time you have an idea, or a plan or something you've been thinking about doing; stop worrying about how it will all pan out — just take the shot!

