Review OIKOS

What is OIKOS?

4 min readMay 23, 2020

Oikos is a Tron based synthetic asset platform that provides on-chain exposure to fiat currencies, commodities, stocks, and indices. Synthetic assets (Synths) are backed by Oikos Network Tokens (OKS) locked into a smart contract as collateral. Synths track the prices of various assets, allowing crypto-native and unbanked users to trade P2C (peer-to-contract) on Oikos Exchange without liquidity limitations.

Oikos Swap is a Tron port of Uniswap: a trustless decentralized exchange that allows users to trade any Tron-based token without any deposits or withdrawals to a centralized order book. Better yet, Oikos Swap liquidity pools have little to no slippage for the vast majority of transactions. Anyone can contribute by adding or removing liquidity to gain commissions in the form of exchange fees as well as rewards paid in OKS token.

What are the highlights of OIKOS?

  • Price data is obtained via multiple trusted sources and aggregated to create a robust price oracle mechanism.
  • Developer tools make it easy to create applications leveraging Oikos services.
  • Trade over 30 different Synths from various categories.
  • Join liquidity pools to collect fees on TRX-TRC20 pairs. Trade TRX for any TRC20 without wrapping.
  • Liquidity-sensitive automated pricing using constant product formula​.

How OKS supports Synths?

All Synths are supported by OKS tokens. Synths are cast when OKS owners place their OKS as collateral with Minter, a decentralized application to interact with Oikos contracts. Aggregation is now supported by a 800% guarantee factor, although this can be increased or decreased in the future through community management mechanisms. Bet OKS is in debt when they mint Synths money and to log out (ie unlock their OKS), they have to pay off that debt by burning Synths.

Oikos is also currently testing TRX as another form of mortgage. This means that traders can borrow Synths against their TRX and start trading immediately, instead of selling their TRX. To determine TRX, a collateral ratio of 150% is required and TRX cash debt is generated, so TRX producers focus more on sTRX than sUSD and are not involved in the combined debt aspect of group. In this model, TRX producers do not receive commissions or rewards, because they do not bear the risk of the debt group.

OKS owners are interested in placing their Synths and mint tokens in several ways. Firstly, there are exchange rewards. They are created whenever someone exchanges a Synth with another person (ie Oikos.Exchange). Each transaction creates an exchange fee, which is sent to the fee group, available to OKS stakeholders who can request their share each week. This commission is between 10 and 100 bps (0.1% — 1%, although usually 0.3%) and will be displayed in any transaction on Oikos.Exchange. Another incentive for OKS wager / casting holders is the reward for OKS wagers, stemming from the protocol’s inflationary monetary policy. From March 2019 to August 2023, the total OKS supply will increase from 100,000,000 to 260,263,816 with a weekly reduction rate of 1.25% (from December 2019). As of September 2023, annual marginal inflation will be 2.5% for an unlimited period of time. These OKS tokens are distributed weekly to OKS stakeholders, if their mortgages rate is not below the target threshold.

Chase, Burn, and Ratio C

The mechanisms described above ensure that OKS stakeholders keep their mortgaged assets (Ratio C) at an optimal level (currently 800%). This ensures that the synths are secured enough to withstand major price shocks. If the value of OKS or Synths fluctuates, the C coefficient of each staker will fluctuate. If it drops below 800% (although there is a small buffer that allows slight fluctuations), they will not be able to request payment until they recover their rate. They adjust their rate by chasing Synths if their ratio is above 800% or by burning Synths if their ratio is below 800%.

Interested parties, debt instruments and joint partners

OKS stabilizers have an online debt “when they mint Synths. This debt can rise or fall regardless of their apparent initial value, based on exchange rates and aggregate supply in For example, if 100% of the Synths in the system are synthetic bitcoin (sBTC), the cost will be halved, the debt in the system will be halved and the debt of each staker will be halved. means that in another scenario in which only half of the Synths in the system are sBTC and BTC doubled the price, the system’s total debt — and each manufacturer’s debt — will increase by a quarter. Thus, OKS steaker act as a partner combination on all Synth exchanges; all stakeholders accept the risk of total debt in the system.They have the opportunity to prevent this risk, take on the position. By accepting this risk and allowing trading on Oikos.Exchange, participants receive the commission generated by the system.



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