1 min readDec 15, 2018


Michael Che Matters killing it!

“It is not things that disturb us, but our interpretation of their significance.”

- Epictetus in The Art of Living

Life is difficult. No matter what choices we make or what goals we’re trying to accomplish, there will be struggle. This is inevitable.

But we make it even more difficult with the conversations we have with ourselves. When I mess up, I’m the first person to say how stupid I am or how I always do this sort of things. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

We don’t have to be our own enemy.

It’s easier said than done, it’s a lifelong practice for most of us, but it’s worth it even if we don’t succeed.

So when things get tough, remember the words of Epictetus:

“Try to be as kind to yourself as possible. Do not measure yourself against others or even against your ideal self. Human betterment is gradual, 2-steps-forward, 1-step-back effort.” — Epictetus




Student of life, learning how to grow up and all that hard stuff. New posts every Sunday. @tinobacela