How AIGC is Combined With Web3 Under the ChatGPT Boom?

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8 min readApr 29, 2023

Shortly after the beginning of the year, a chatbot called ChatGPT became popular all over the Internet, accumulating more than 100 million active users in just 2 months after its launch, becoming the fastest growing consumer app in history. This product was launched on November 30, 2022 by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence company owned by Microsoft.

ChatGPT can learn and understand human language to conduct conversations, interact according to the context of the chat, and even complete tasks such as writing emails, video scripts, copywriting, translation, code, and so on. It has become the “favorite” of enterprises and students. Subsequently, American technology giants such as Microsoft and Google invested heavily in related sectors and greatly increased investment in the field of artificial intelligence. Domestic Internet giants such as Baidu, Alibaba, and NetEase are also intensively engaged in the research and development of “ChatGPT-like” products.

The popularity of ChatGPT allows us to see the powerful potential of AI technology in the Web3 era, and also makes us pay attention to the development space of AIGC. ChatGPT is a direction of application in the field of AIGC, and they all show unlimited business application value with the technical core generated by AI automation. According to 6pen, 10%-30% of the image content on the Internet will be generated by AI in the next five years, which is expected to create a market space of more than 60 billion. Considering the rapid increase in content demand for the next-generation Internet, Acumen Research and Consulting, a foreign business consulting agency, predicts that the AIGC market will reach $110 billion in 2030.

In fact, AIGC first entered the public eye in August 2022, when a game designer Jason M. Allen released his AIGC painting “Space Opera”, which won the first prize of “Digital Art/Digital Retouching Photo” and gained the world’s attention. Now, less than a year later, ChatGPT has become the “new top stream” to bring AIGC back to the limelight. So how powerful is the magic of AIGC? As a technical means, what kind of vitality does content creation have? Let’s dive into AIGC, experience the potential of AI-generated content, and explore possible ways for developers to leverage AIGC.

What is AIGC?

AIGC refers to the use of artificial intelligence technology to generate content. It is considered a new way of content creation after PGC and UGC. The next-generation AIGC technology processing model can cover the creation of text, speech, code, images, video, robot actions, and more. AIGC can go beyond the traditional form of technology-generated content in terms of creativity, expression, and personalization, and more vividly display the ideas of creators. Some people said: “AIGC, NFT, VR are the three major infrastructures of Metaverse and Web3, representing a new direction for future technology creation.” In fact, AIGC not only has outstanding instrumental values, but also has endless business growth potential.

Instrumental Values

As a technical tool, AIGC can mainly improve the efficiency of creation, especially for practitioners in creative industries such as art, film and television, advertising, games, programming, and so on. It can assist practitioners in their daily work and is expected to create more amazing works. The low cost and high efficiency brought by it are conducive to the construction of a large-scale production market. In addition, when it comes to capturing inspiration, AIGC can help experienced authors innovate forms of interaction and provide spaces where they can be creative.

Commercial Values

Gartner predicts that by 2025, generative AI will account for 10% of all generated data. According to an analysis by Generative AI: A Creative New World, AIGC has the potential to generate trillions of dollars in economic value. The improvement and enrichment of digital humans, virtual scenes, digital content, graphic audiovisual related products can bring more business value and return to AIGC.

The Triple Problems of AIGC Development

“The AIGC market is like a giant with a bomb, looking very powerful but with an unresolved and deadly threat. If this threat is not removed, the development of the industry will be limited. ”

Behind the rapid growth of everything, there are hidden dangers. AIGC facilitates the rapid spread of content creation, but also exposes many loopholes.

It is difficult to trace the ownership of works.

The relevant laws of the state on copyright stipulate that authors can only be natural persons, legal persons or unincorporated organizations. Then the main body of AIGC creation is artificial intelligence technology itself, which does not have the attribute characteristics that meet the “author”. If platforms use AIGC to generate various types of pictures, text and so on, resulting in commercial disputes or accountability, is the target of coordination and responsibility the platform, the open source, or the generator? Therefore, the major Web3 platforms are very cautious when introducing the concept of AIGC, and the developer’s exploration of AIGC has also become a “desperate fight” shrouded in reality.

It is difficult to realize business model.

AIGC models have limitations, and most of the generated content is still far from commercial standards. In other words, technically produced content for commercial realization ultimately requires learning the expertise of different industries and developing content output models that fit different categories. At present, although the ChatGPT chatbot launched by Open AI can help people complete tasks such as correcting papers, coding and copywriting. These instrumental assisted content is relatively “universal”, and once it involves in-depth content in different industries, it still requires artificial power to study and speculate.

It is difficult to trust technical framework.

As we all know, blockchain technology has become the reason for people’s trust with the characteristics of transparency and traceability, and because of the high degree of decentralization, it has realized a stable trust relationship between project platform developers, commercial investors and users, and promoted various asset transactions and project cooperation. However, AIGC stems from a “instrumentalized” technical thinking, relies on their respective platforms. It has not formed a perfect framework system for information confidentiality and liability confirmation. At present, most users are driven by curiosity and use AIGC products such as artificial chat machines, intelligent voice mutual aid, and painting creation generators for personal life, work and decision-making assistance, but is the input information in a “regulatory vacuum”? This is unknown.

Integrating AIGC into the Web3 World

The emergence of new technologies often requires new business ecological restructuring. The three dilemmas faced by the development of AIGC mentioned above come more from the identification of creation and the repair of the technical framework. Then actively think about leveraging Web3 and playing the role of Web3 infrastructure, or can solve the problem for AIGC.

DAO Injects into AIGC Model

Web3 hot keyword “DAO” can design a set of reference management operation mode for AIGC. Participants achieve decentralized autonomy through a set of rules deployed on the blockchain that are automatically enforced and immutable. The reason why we think about “autonomy” is also because AIGC needs to do a good job of “fine-tuning the model” according to different industry subdivisions in the specific commercial process, so it is impossible to establish a universal model that is applicable everywhere (can one effectively motivate all parties? Is it fair and reasonable? Rules need to be constantly proposed, validated and enforceable).

In addition, the DAO model formed by multi-stakeholder roles can be applied to AIGC’s platform management. Creators, original artwork owners, AIGC operators and blockchain validators are put into four role parts, where the proceeds generated by the creators can be distributed to the other three participants, and the share of proceeds is determined by regular voting rights. In this model, the commercial value comes from the creator and is distributed to the original artwork owner, AIGC operator and blockchain, all of which can be integrated into a DAO through Web3, making the use and communication of AIGC easier and more efficient.

Taking the advertising and marketing platform as an example, the DAO + AIGC management path can be understood as follows:

- Dedicated marketing copywriting AIGC generates content and input values to assist in daily or ad hoc design work.

- Owners of advertising copywriting works upload their works and wait for them to be certified as NFT, owning the copyright and benefiting from it.

- AIGC operators can join DAO, govern through voting and proposals to advertise and participate in the distribution.

- Blockchain validators will meet the verification needs of the whole system, examining key indicators such as downloads and calls to ensure fairness and transparency.

Using DAO to empower the management of AIGC also needs to pay attention to the potential risks of the DAO governance model and seek solutions to them. At present, the application model of AIGC is changing, and some commercial criminals take the opportunity to blend in and steal users’ private data. Therefore, DAO should have sufficient flexibility and adaptability to face the changing environment and needs, strengthen the control of blockchain validators and platform operators, and ensure that the environment is highly trustworthy and the traceability of computing is more thorough. Overall, as a new organization form, DAO provides AIGC with a practical and autonomous transparency mechanism. This concept is worth developers continuing to explore and considerate, creating a more superior technical processing environment for AIGC.

Building the AIGC Paradigm of the Future

With the continuous iteration of AIGC, its business value and market territory are gradually expanding. At present, if you want AIGC to meet the development of Metaverse and complete the output of high-quality and high-precision content, it still needs to expand at the technical level. How to combine the concept of Metaverse to output AIGC explosive content? How to generate NFT artwork faster with AIGC? These development directions require the addition of language processing technology, AIGC generated algorithm models and communication network infrastructure.

On the other hand, from capital increase to the exploration of application scenarios, the gap between AIGC operation is expected to be gradually filled. The “generic-AIGC” model of “module spin-off + personalized recommendation” is also in the plans of each platform. After all, AIGC serving different industry sectors such as advertising and marketing, real estate and finance has both differences and commonalities. If a set of “ubiquitous AIGC models” can be created, it will not only save time and effort for program development, but also enable the public to achieve integrated use of AIGC.

Web3 requires efficient, autonomous and flexible technology application systems, and AIGC is such an important tool that can penetrate into our daily lives.

In the Web3 world, we hope that AIGC can become a helper of life, a speedster of work, and truly achieve “quality and efficiency”.

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