The Amusing, Terrifying Adventures of a Brain Foggy Day

What it’s like to have a brain producing a 404 error every day

Tinu Abayomi-Paul
5 min readSep 3, 2019

One of the gifts of disability life for a great deal of us is brain fog.

Photo credit: Rory Björkman

Some of us get it as pain fog, where our daily pain is so great, it interferes in our ability to think straight.

We who have fibromyalgia call it fibro fog, a misnomer of sorts since people with M.E. also have this same symptom.

It also shows up in people who have had chemo treatments, such as rheumatoid arthritis and cancer patients (these are NOT the only people who get chemo by the way.)

So what is this sometimes amusing, often momentarily terrifying condition like?

I’ll come back to that in a moment. Let me tell you why I’m writing about it first.

Why care about brain fog?

Disabled people are taught not to be a “bother”.

To take up as little space as possible.

Not to “bum people out” by talking about our lives and symptoms.

To live quietly suffering lives – and try not to remind people that we’re not “productive members of society.”



Tinu Abayomi-Paul

I write short posts laughing about the mess that is me. And long researched essays on being a better citizen of The World. We’re not free until we’re all free.