The one thing that always takes me from broke to bank

Or How to make a comeback after being forced to take unpredicted breaks from your business

Tinu Abayomi-Paul
5 min readMay 10, 2018


Photo from PicNoi

I already told you what it is.

And yes this is going to be one of those articles. I promise it’ll be over quickly, and I’ll give you an action item, as well as the answer to what the “one thing” is.

Before I tell you the one thing, let me tell you something intimate about myself that I hate to talk about, but often must.

I have several invisible illnesses. I also have cancer. It’s a chronic cancer so instead of being cured, or having a true remission, it kind of peaks and tanks.

Right now it has tanked. But my other illnesses cause pain and fatigue. So I haven’t been my 60+ hour work week workaholic self. I might not be able to be her, ever again.

But that’s really a good thing. How long can you last as a workaholic before you crash and burn?

What does this have to do with you?

I’m the most inconsistent entrepreneur ever, due to these long health absences, yet I never have to rebuild my business from scratch.



Tinu Abayomi-Paul

I write short posts laughing about the mess that is me. And long researched essays on being a better citizen of The World. We’re not free until we’re all free.