Jung and McKenna’s Magical spark

2 min readSep 12, 2022


When Carl Jung and Terence McKenna began their careers, neither could have predicted the profound influence their work would have on the world of psychology and spirituality. Jung’s analytical psychology and McKenna’s exploration of altered states of consciousness have helped millions of people to understand themselves and the world around them in new ways.

Although they differed in many ways, both Jung and McKenna were dedicated to exploring the human experience in all its complexity. They believed that the mysteries of life could be understood through an understanding of the human psyche, and they encouraged people to look within themselves for answers to life’s questions.

Jung and McKenna also shared a belief in the power of the unconscious mind. They understood that much of our behavior is driven by forces that we are not aware of. This knowledge can be both frightening and liberating, as it allows us to understand ourselves in a deeper way.

Both Jung and McKenna believed that it is only through an understanding of ourselves that we can come to know the true nature of reality. They saw themselves as explorers, always searching for new insights into the human experience. Thanks to their work, millions of people have been able to find their own unique paths in life.



