Apple Watch — to buy or to watch?

Avi Barit
2 min readMar 10, 2015


Apple gave us much awaited specs of their soon to be released watch last night. Much has been written about this watch already and I’m sure that much more will be written especially after people have some time to play with the thing on their wrists.

Personally I love Apple products. I got my first MacBook Pro in 2007 and haven’t looked back. Apple, IMHO, makes products that are not only pragmatic but also appeal on attractiveness, hence why I believe they sell so much more than other companies. But in this article I want to talk about the deficiency that I feel the first iteration of the Apple Watch has.

To me the most important is that the watch does not come with a GPS module built in and therefore cannot get GPS co-ordinates of your current position unless you have your iPhone with you as well. Now I understand that Apple wants to cross-sell their products here but this really limits what a watch should be in 2015. If Microsoft can build-in GPS to their wrist-band and TomTom and Garmin can build it into their sports-watches then I am at a total loss as to explain why Apple made this decision.

Apple wants this device to have mass appeal and the amount of sports people out there who want a GPS tracking, heart-rate sensing watch is substantial. However for now if you want your heart-rate and GPS tracked you’ll have to lug your iPhone 6 (plus) with you on your runs, rides, etc…

I eagerly await a chance to buy and wear Apple’s latest gadget. I just hope that this deficiency will be addressed in the second iteration of the Apple watch which I’m sure will be here next year.

