Why choose Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training in Singapore

Tirisula Yoga
2 min readSep 25, 2019


Instead of looking at your computer screen all day and losing numbers until your thumbs become numb, consider one of the best jobs in Singapore: give yoga classes to pregnant women. A career as a prenatal yoga instructor can provide the wellness factor that may be missing in your life. It’s fun, flexible and can be a lot more lucrative than you think.

Singapore Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training is for the people who are already certified yoga teachers and therefore has knowledge of yoga postures and yoga philosophy. Pregnancy can be an emotionally and physically challenging experience, and yoga practice has had many benefits for pregnant women. Yoga helps to strengthen various systems in the body. Yoga also positively affects the mind, so a pregnant woman can easily handle stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions.

The objective of Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Singapore

The Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training in Singapore provides a tremendous opportunity to expand your skills in teaching a specific group of pregnant women. It helps in developing the inner teacher within you and aims to guide you on how to use the practices as a tool for inner and outer transformation.

Course aim of Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Singapore

Provide structure, tuition, and support throughout the course to allow teachers to have the best possible learning experience

1. Significantly develop teacher's knowledge and experience in pregnancy, childbirth, and the links between yoga and each of these stages.

2. To acquire the knowledge, the approach, and the skills necessary to teach prenatal yoga safely, effectively and professionally.

3. Cultivate within yoga teachers the confidence to teach from their own experiences and knowledge.

4. Encourage excellence in teacher teaching methods using the most modern methods while remaining true to the ancient philosophy of Ashtanga Yoga.

5. Once the course is completed to a satisfactory level, participants will be awarded a Prenatal Yoga Teacher Certification, which will allow them to organize Prenatal Yoga classes safely and effectively.

Benefits of Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Singapore

  1. Get appreciations of an age-old practice regarding prenatal care

2. Learn an alternative holistic approach to complement their current practices

3. Get a deeper understanding of the scientific aspects of yoga practices

4. Help pregnant women in this very special time and those who want to become pregnant

5. Manage the body that changes rapidly during pregnancy

6. Develop fear between mother and baby.

If you are serious about embarking on a rewarding career, start working towards your goal by joining the recognized prenatal yoga teacher training in Singapore.

