Basics of Quantum Computing for QML — Part 2

Tirth Joshi
13 min readJul 18, 2024


Part 2 will delve into more advanced topics, such as multi-qubit gates, complex quantum circuits, quantum error correction, different models of quantum computing, and additional quantum algorithms. We will also explore practical tools and applications relevant to QML.


Brief Recap of Part 1

In Part 1, we explored the foundational concepts of quantum computing, including quantum states and qubits, superposition, entanglement, basic quantum gates, circuits, and Grover’s Algorithm. We also covered the mathematical foundations necessary for understanding quantum mechanics, focusing on linear algebra and complex numbers.

Photo by Bozhin Karaivanov on Unsplash

Introduction to Advanced Topics in Quantum Computing

Part 2 will delve into more advanced topics, such as multi-qubit gates, complex quantum circuits, quantum error correction, different models of quantum computing, and additional quantum algorithms. We will also explore practical tools and applications relevant to QML.

Advanced Quantum Gates and Circuits

Multi-Qubit Gates

Controlled Gates: CNOT, Toffoli Gate

  • CNOT Gate (Controlled-NOT Gate): Flips the state of a target qubit if the control qubit is in state |1⟩.
  • Toffoli Gate (Controlled-Controlled-NOT Gate): A universal gate for classical computation, it flips the target qubit if both control qubits are in state |1⟩.

Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT)

The Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT) is a quantum analog of the classical discrete Fourier transform. It is a critical component in many quantum algorithms, notably Shor’s algorithm for factoring and quantum phase estimation, which are foundational for applications in cryptography and quantum computing.

Basic Concept

The QFT transforms a quantum state into another state where the basis states are weighted by their frequency components. It’s a linear transformation on a quantum computer that operates on a vector of amplitudes and turns it into a new vector of amplitudes.

Mathematical Description

Consider a quantum register of ( n ) qubits. The basis states can be represented as |0⟩, |1⟩, …. , |2^n — 1⟩ . The QFT maps the basis state |x⟩ to a superposition of all basis states with complex coefficients:

QFT on an Arbitrary State:

For an arbitrary state

where ψx​ are the amplitudes, the QFT is:

This results in the amplitudes being transformed according to the discrete Fourier transform, but with the operations executed in quantum parallelism.

Circuit Implementation
The QFT can be implemented using a series of quantum gates. The core of the QFT circuit consists of Hadamard gates and controlled phase shift gates. The Hadamard gate is used to create superpositions, while the controlled phase shifts add phases that depend on the qubits’ states.

Relevance and Application
The QFT is not only fundamental in algorithms for number theory but also has applications in quantum simulation and solving systems of linear equations faster than classical methods. The ability to transform into the frequency domain is as powerful in quantum computing as it is in classical computing, facilitating solutions to problems that would otherwise be intractable for classical computers.

The QFT demonstrates the unique capabilities of quantum computers to manipulate and process information in ways that exploit superposition and entanglement, providing a glimpse into the potential future impacts of quantum computing on science and technology.

Advanced Quantum Circuits

Examples of More Complex Quantum Circuits

  • Quantum Teleportation: Quantum teleportation is a fundamental protocol in quantum information theory that allows for the transfer of quantum information (i.e., the quantum state of a particle) from one location to another, without physically transporting the particle itself. This is achieved using quantum entanglement and classical communication.
  • Quantum Error Correction Circuits: Quantum error correction (QEC) is essential for the development of practical quantum computers. Due to the fragile nature of quantum states, any practical quantum computation requires mechanisms to protect information against errors from decoherence and quantum noise. Quantum error correction circuits are designed to detect and correct errors without collapsing the quantum state.

Circuit Optimization Techniques

Gate Decomposition:

Gate decomposition in quantum computing refers to breaking down complex quantum gates into sequences of simpler, more fundamental gates that are easier to implement on quantum hardware. This process is crucial because physical quantum computers often support only a limited set of basic gates (often called the “universal gate set”), and any more complex operation needs to be constructed from these elementary gates.

Two popular choices for a universal set of quantum gates are:

  1. CNOT gate (controlled-NOT) combined with all single-qubit gates. The CNOT gate is a two-qubit gate that flips the second (target) qubit if the first (control) qubit is |1⟩.
  2. Toffoli gate (CCNOT) and Hadamard gate (H). The Toffoli gate is a three-qubit gate that flips the third qubit if the first two qubits are in the state |1⟩ .

Quantum Compilation:

Quantum compilation is the process of translating high-level quantum algorithms into low-level, hardware-specific instructions that can be executed on a quantum computer. This involves converting abstract quantum operations into practical sequences of quantum gates that are compatible with the physical constraints and available gate sets of specific quantum processors.

Steps in Quantum Compilation

  1. High-Level Decomposition: The quantum algorithm, often expressed in terms of high-level quantum operations or circuits, is decomposed into simpler, standardized gates such as the Pauli gates (X, Y, Z), Hadamard gate, and CNOT gate. This step might also involve optimizing the circuit to reduce its depth and complexity, thereby reducing the potential for errors.
  2. Gate Decomposition: As previously discussed, complex gates are decomposed into sequences of simpler gates available in the quantum processor’s instruction set. This involves using known decompositions for gates like the Toffoli or controlled rotation gates.
  3. Qubit Mapping and Routing: Quantum algorithms assume that any pair of qubits can interact directly. However, physical systems often have restrictions where only certain pairs of qubits can be directly coupled. The compiler must map logical qubits from the algorithm onto physical qubits in the hardware and possibly insert additional SWAP gates to route the states of qubits so that the necessary interactions can occur.
  4. Error Mitigation and Correction: Since quantum processors are prone to errors, compilers might also incorporate error-correcting codes or error mitigation techniques, arranging additional gates or sequences to detect and correct operational errors.

Mathematical Framework

The quantum compiler transforms a unitary operation ( U ) that acts on a multi-qubit system into a sequence of operations ( Gₙ, …. , G₁ ) such that: [ U = Gₙ….G₁ ] Each ( Gᵢ ) is a gate from the hardware’s gate set. The goal is to approximate ( U ) as closely as possible, minimizing the “circuit fidelity loss,” which is the difference between the intended operation and the actual operation performed by the quantum processor.

Quantum Error Correction

Introduction to Quantum Errors

Types of Errors: Bit-Flip, Phase-Flip, and Depolarizing Noise

  • Bit-Flip Error: Flips the state of a qubit from ( |0⟩ ) to ( |1⟩ ) or vice versa.
  • Phase-Flip Error: Changes the phase of a qubit without altering its state.
  • Depolarizing Noise: Randomly affects the state of a qubit, introducing errors in both amplitude and phase.

Importance of Error Correction in Quantum Computing

Error correction is essential to protect quantum information from errors due to decoherence and other quantum noise, ensuring reliable computation.

Quantum Error Correction Codes

Basic Concepts: Redundancy and Syndrome Measurement

  • Redundancy: Encodes a single logical qubit into multiple physical qubits to detect and correct errors.
  • Syndrome Measurement: Detects errors without disturbing the quantum information, allowing for error correction.

Shor Code

The Shor Code, introduced by Peter Shor, was one of the first quantum error correction codes proposed. It is a 9-qubit code that can protect a single logical qubit against both bit-flip (X) errors and phase-flip (Z) errors. The code is particularly notable for demonstrating that fault-tolerant quantum computation is possible.

Structure and Implementation:

  • Encoding: The Shor Code encodes one logical qubit into nine physical qubits. It is essentially a combination of the 3-qubit bit-flip code and the 3-qubit phase-flip code, arranged in a 2D array.
  • Error Correction: The code can detect and correct any single-qubit error, whether it’s a bit-flip, phase-flip, or both. This capability comes from the redundancy and the arrangement of the qubits, allowing for both X and Z error syndromes to be independently diagnosed and corrected.

Mathematical Representation: The logical qubit states are typically represented as:

Steane Code

The Steane Code, developed by Andrew Steane, is based on the classical [7,4,3] Hamming code, which corrects single-bit errors in classical information. It is a CSS (Calderbank-Shor-Steane) code, using 7 qubits to encode 1 logical qubit, and can correct for any single-qubit error.

Structure and Implementation:

  • Encoding: The Steane Code encodes a logical qubit into seven physical qubits, with each physical qubit participating in both an X-type and Z-type check, facilitating the detection and correction of both bit and phase errors on any single qubit.
  • Error Correction: Like classical Hamming codes, the Steane Code detects and corrects single-qubit errors efficiently. The symmetrical properties of the code make it particularly well-suited for fault-tolerant quantum computation.

Mathematical Representation: The logical qubit states can be defined as superpositions where parity checks (both X and Z types) form valid codewords:

where ( C ) represents codewords in the classical Hamming code.

Practical Implications for QML

Error correction is critical for running long quantum algorithms and ensuring the accuracy of QML models, which often require sustained coherence.

Quantum Computing Models

Gate-Based Quantum Computing

Overview and Significance

Gate-based quantum computing is the most common model, using sequences of quantum gates to perform computations. It parallels classical digital computing but leverages quantum properties for greater computational power.

Comparison with Classical Gate-Based Computing


Quantum gates are reversible (unitary), unlike most classical gates. For example, consider the CNOT (Controlled-NOT) gate. If you apply a CNOT gate twice in succession, it effectively returns the qubit to its original state, demonstrating reversibility.


Quantum gates operate on superpositions, enabling parallel computation. An example is the Hadamard gate (H gate). When applied to multiple qubits in a superposition state, the H gate can create entanglement and spread information across the quantum state in parallel, allowing for complex computations to be performed simultaneously.

Single Qubit: Applying the Hadamard gate to a single qubit initially in the state

This places the qubit in a superposition of both |0⟩ and |1⟩.

Multiple Qubits: When applied to multiple qubits, the effect of parallelism is more pronounced. For instance, applying a Hadamard gate to each qubit in a two-qubit system initially in the state |00⟩ results in:

Here, the system evolves into a superposition of all four possible states (00, 01, 10, 11), demonstrating the parallelism as the Hadamard gates act on each qubit independently yet simultaneously influence the whole system.

Quantum Annealing

Explanation of Quantum Annealing

Quantum annealing is a quantum optimization method that solves problems by finding the global minimum of a function. It uses quantum fluctuations to escape local minima, providing solutions to complex optimization problems.

Applications in Optimization Problems

Traveling Salesman Problem:

The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classic optimization problem in which a salesman must find the shortest possible route that visits each city once and returns to the origin city. This problem is NP-hard, meaning that the time to solve it increases exponentially with the number of cities. Quantum computing offers novel approaches to tackle such problems potentially more efficiently than classical methods.

There are several ways in which quantum computing can be applied to the Traveling Salesman Problem:

  • Quantum Annealing: Quantum annealing is designed specifically to solve optimization problems by finding the global minimum of a cost function. This approach uses a process called quantum tunneling to escape local minima and find the global minimum. For the TSP, the route is encoded as a quantum state, and the cost function corresponds to the total distance of the route. D-Wave Systems has been a leader in developing quantum annealers which have been used to tackle versions of the TSP.
  • Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA): The QAOA is a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm that uses quantum gates to create superpositions of all possible solutions with varying probabilities depending on their “cost” (the length of the path in the case of TSP). The quantum state is then measured to collapse it to one of the possible solutions. The parameters of the quantum gates are optimized in a classical outer loop to increasingly favor shorter paths.
  • Gate-based Quantum Algorithms: Other algorithms, such as those that could be run on gate-based quantum computers like IBM’s or Google’s quantum processors, involve directly encoding the problem into a quantum circuit. The circuit’s parameters are optimized to solve the problem using techniques akin to those in QAOA but often can be more customized or intricate.

Portfolio Optimization:

Portfolio optimization is a fundamental problem in finance, where the goal is to allocate assets in a way that maximizes return while minimizing risk, typically measured by the variance or standard deviation of portfolio returns. The complexity of portfolio optimization grows exponentially with the number of assets, making it a candidate for potential speed-ups using quantum computing. Quantum computing offers new avenues to handle these complex optimization tasks more efficiently than classical methods, particularly for large portfolios involving numerous assets with intricate covariance relationships.

There are several key quantum computing techniques that can be leveraged for portfolio optimization:

  • Quantum Annealing: Quantum annealing is well-suited for finding the global minimum of non-convex cost functions, a typical scenario in portfolio optimization where the goal is to minimize risk for a given level of return. The problem is encoded in a quantum Hamiltonian whose ground state represents the optimal portfolio. Companies like D-Wave have made strides in quantum annealing technology that can be applied to these types of financial optimizations.
  • Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs): VQAs, such as the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) and the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA), are used on gate-based quantum computers. These algorithms use a hybrid quantum-classical approach, where a quantum circuit is used to prepare states representing possible portfolio allocations, and classical optimization is used to adjust the quantum gates to minimize the portfolio’s risk.
  • Quantum Amplitude Estimation (QAE): QAE is particularly powerful for improving the computational aspects of evaluating the risk and return characteristics of different portfolios. This algorithm can provide quadratic speedups in estimating quantities like expected return and risk, which are integral to evaluating the effectiveness of a portfolio.

Topological Quantum Computing

Introduction to Topological Qubits

Topological qubits use non-abelian anyons, particles that exist in two-dimensional spaces, to store and manipulate quantum information. They are less susceptible to local errors.

Advantages and Challenges

  • Advantages: Higher error tolerance and stability.
  • Challenges: Technical complexity in creating and manipulating anyons.

Quantum Computing Platforms and Tools

Quantum Programming Languages

Overview of Qiskit, Cirq, and Q

  • Qiskit: An open-source quantum computing framework by IBM.
  • Cirq: A Python library for quantum computing developed by Google.
  • Q#: A quantum programming language by Microsoft.

Examples of Quantum Code

  • Qiskit: Creating a Bell state.
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, Aer, execute

qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.h(0), 1)

backend = Aer.get_backend('statevector_simulator')
result = execute(qc, backend).result()
statevector = result.get_statevector()

Quantum Hardware

Current State of Quantum Hardware

  • IBM: Provides access to quantum processors through IBM Quantum Experience.
  • Google: Developed Sycamore, a 54-qubit processor.
  • Rigetti: Offers quantum cloud services with its superconducting qubit-based quantum computers.

Comparison of Available Quantum Computers

  • Qubit Count: Number of qubits available for computation.
  • Coherence Time: Duration qubits retain their quantum state.
  • Error Rates: Frequency of errors in quantum operations.

Practical Applications of Quantum Computing in QML

Quantum Data Encoding

Methods of Encoding Classical Data into Quantum States

  • Amplitude Encoding: Encodes data into the amplitudes of a quantum state.
  • Basis Encoding: Uses the binary representation of data to encode into basis states.
  • Angle Encoding: Encodes data into the angles of rotation gates applied to qubits.

Benefits and Challenges

  • Benefits: Enables efficient handling of high-dimensional data.
  • Challenges: Requires efficient quantum state preparation and error correction.

Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms

Examples of QML Algorithms: Quantum SVM, Quantum PCA

  • Quantum SVM: Uses quantum computing to speed up the kernel-based support vector machine algorithm.
  • Quantum PCA: Accelerates principal component analysis by leveraging quantum parallelism.

Case Studies and Real-World Applications

  • Financial Modeling: Quantum PCA can be used to analyze large datasets in financial markets, identifying trends and correlations that are computationally intensive to process classically.
  • Healthcare: Quantum-enhanced SVMs can improve diagnostic accuracy by efficiently processing and classifying complex medical data.
  • Chemistry and Material Science: VQE can simulate molecular structures, aiding in the discovery of new drugs and materials by accurately predicting molecular properties.


Recap of Key Points

Part 2 of our exploration into quantum computing for QML covered advanced quantum gates and circuits, quantum error correction, various models of quantum computing, and additional quantum algorithms. We also discussed the current state of quantum computing platforms and practical applications of quantum computing in QML.

Encouragement to Continue Exploring Quantum Computing and QML

Quantum computing and QML are rapidly evolving fields with immense potential to revolutionize technology and industry. By mastering these advanced concepts, ML engineers can be at the forefront of innovation, solving complex problems more efficiently and unlocking new possibilities in machine learning. Keep exploring, experimenting, and staying updated with the latest advancements to fully harness the power of quantum computing in your work.

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