Data Science is Dying?

4 min readAug 23, 2022


Yep. You’ve read it correct. Todays topic is Is Data Science field of study is Dying?

To be frank its very hard to explain this kind of topic. That too with and evidential proof. Cause where in the hell do you get yours data from? Google?

To be frank yep, I got this Data from Google. If you want to do by your self click here. But before going there just give me 3 minutes of your time, I’ll explain everything you needed to know about this controversy. Let me start from my journey.

I’m Karri Tirumala Vinay, call me KTV. I completed my Engineering in Mechanical a year back. After that my parents asked be about the job? Frankly, I have no idea about that. So I was scared and opened internshala (A website for internships). The word Data Scientist was a bit fancy(don’t you think). So I searched Data Science and there are a crapload (you’ll understand the pun if you watched HIMYM). But there is something weird about the results. Instead of showing me the jobs on Data science, it is showing me the jobs of Data Analyst. (What in the gods name is that). So i did what any sane man would do( Closed the laptop and went to sleep.) Just Kidding, I checked what are the skills required for a Data Analyst.
It showed me the following:
1. Tableau
2. MS-Excel
3. Power BI
4. Python
5. SQL
That’s it. (that’s it? I heard its the hardest job ever. WTF is this?) Don’t worry I’ll explain. To understand it properly there are things you might need to consider.
1. Data Science itself is divided into 2-parts(Well at least the type of job does)

See when starting with Data Science you may land into 2 types of jobs.

The first is you can specialize Analytics (The easiest one). They don’t need to predict anything. All they must do is just to analyze and visualize the given data by your respective company. The reason I told this is the easiest one is because you don’t need any core theoretical knowledge to pursue this(Just the basics of Statistics and some coding and visualizing skills). Sometimes, we do traditional Machine Learning algorithms in this part
Note: I said this is the easiest one, not the simplest one. There’s a difference.

The Second is the toughest one. It specializes in various field such as Deep Learning, NLP, etc. Here we need to model high-end algorithms, such as Image Recognition, Dimensional Reduction and many more. For this one should have an in-depth, knowledge in core Mathematics and Also Neural networks. I could go on but lets wrap it up.

Ok why did i tell you all this? Just you make my post bigger? Nope, there is a reason. When someone say that Data Science is Dying, they actually mean that the jobs based on that were dying. The main reason people tell that is because of the specializations now being started. Lets Look at the Graph shall we?

Interest in Data Science Field of Study from 2004.

Looks good Right? No actually it isn’t. For exponential increases we have to remember a basic Economic Principle call Demand and Supply.

The demand will be low if the supply is high. Which is our case. So that’s it? Data Science is Dying? Well…. not precisely. I did add another field of studies just to compare. You’ll be shocked by what you see…

Data Science vs Data Analysis

Get it? Ok let me explain. Before the origin of Data Science we still Data Analysis. After making some tools with Data Sciences, we implemented them into Data Analysis and Boom. The spike was going on. The more thesis made with Data Science the more we find that Data Analysis important.

But I didn’t stop there, I added another 2 fields of study (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning) and we got another important information.

Data Science vs AI vs ML

Ok, i get it you didn’t get even 1 bit of the above graph. Well on comparison with AI, we notice that the graph is falling down. That is because since from the origin of Data Science, it proved that everything can be done with mathematics and also it gave us many (I mean many, many) reasonings. So after integrating the AI with Data Science, the models made are approved by the World-class Physiscts, Mathematicians, Economists ,hell even politics too.

Coming to Machine Learning, it is for an other day. It is so important that I can’t simply explain it in a single post. Follow me, (Important Notice: I researched about ML, for a month. So please don’t miss it) Only thing you have to know is that it is increasing with respect to Data Science.

The main question.

No, It is evolving.

What field of Study you should Specialize in? Well.. Lets look at the graphs shall we.

DS vs DA vs AI vs ML

The explanation will be for Part-2. Please Follow. I assure you will not be dissatisfied.

Until than Thankyou,


Here are Some Interesting topics that you need to know as a Data Scientist Beginner.

  1. 10 Reasons Why a Data Scientist Beginner should learn MS Excel immediately

2. Things that a Data Science Pursuer shouldn’t forget. Part-1

