Get the git-push experience on Kubernetes

Tirumarai Selvan
2 min readMar 23, 2018


Heroku revolutionized the way applications are deployed on the cloud; with a simple `git push`. Today, we can get the same experience on Kubernetes using open source tools like Gitkube.

One of the most attractive features of Heroku, from an application developer’s perspective, is the low amount of friction involved between writing code to deploying code. Every second spent on building, packaging and deploying code is a sharp break away from the focused creativity required for writing code. Although objectively this may not take more than a few minutes, it has lots of indirect effects on the developer which cost more than just the time lost.

Context switching is detrimental to software development

We at Hasura have built our platform with the sole aim to build apps fast. And that is why it has been paramount for us to have a development workflow which is as simple as Heroku. And recently, we open sourced this magic. It’s called Gitkube.

All you need is git

Gitkube is an open source tool which enables applications to be deployed on any Kubernetes cluster using git. There is no external tooling, intricate workflows or any operational knowledge required to get started. Along with the standard practice of committing code in git, you just git push your code to a remote managed by Gitkube. And that is all.

git push myremote master

Gitkube also works well with many other useful features of Kubernetes. For example, RBAC to provide more fine grained control over remotes. We hope features like these will also drive enterprise adoption and Gitkube will become an intricate part of the emerging concept of GitOps.

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Tirumarai Selvan

Product and engineering at . Apart from software development, interested in business, mathematics, science, philosophy and the works.