Veronica T.
2 min readMay 26, 2019

Of magical places

When you arrive, all you see is a parking lot warm and full of buses. ‘Am I in the right place?’ you might think, doesn’t seem like you’ll find that beautiful place you heard about.

Follow a few directions and keep walking and suddenly it appears down there: ‘Cenote Ik Kil’. A small lagoon-like hole full of water and green vegetation. Seems like it was a scene for some jungle movie where a beautiful couple is supposed to take a bath together.

The fact that then you have to pay for lockers, shower before going down, and arrive to see a bunch of people around does take a little bit of the magic away… but it’s still so beautiful!

Cenotes are holes in the earth that were formed many years ago from the mix of different temperature waters, and then started filling up with water from rains (allegedly, according to Julio our Cozumel tour guide). This water started eroding the earth underneath it as well, forming underground caves connecting cenotes along the region. Peninsula de Yucatán has many of them, so different in styles and depths (some are even 50mts deep!).

The one below looks like the perfect set for a horror movie: ‘Cenote Suytun’.

The feeling of the water is the most magical ever, cold and refreshing… a soul cleanse during your summer vacations. Definitely worth the visit.


P.S. Mayans used some of them as sacred sacrifices spots, so who knows what lies deep down those water holes… beware ;)