Healthy Relationships

Women — 3 Tips You Need to be Ready for a Healthy Relationship

Tisha Dunn
4 min readSep 2, 2022

What would you do if “he” walked into the room?

Photo by Önder Örtel on Unsplash

No matter where you’ve heard it, you have to have heard it. The notion that you are to be married one day. The stars have it that the world runs on the notion that when you are of age, you will meet someone who you can spend the rest of your life with.

From a girl to a woman, we are encouraged to make sure he is the man with the glass slipper that fits and an income that makes life magical for the both of you. Women spend years waiting and reading books to find and attract that man with their glass slipper.

Women- What would you do if he walked into the room? Are you ready for love and to love? Are you ready to honor and obey? Through sickness and in health, are you ready to spend the rest of your life with this man? I’m sure many are nodding and saying “yes”. My Christians sisters I can hear you loudly declaring “Yessss send me my Boaz! I’m ready!”

Photo by Junior REIS on Unsplash

With all the heads nodding, I then wonder why we have such a high divorce rate in this country. Statistics say that in 2022 approximately 50% of all marriages will end in divorce. The marriage rate is almost half of what it used to be 30 years ago.

This I say has to do with where we are as individuals. Now more than ever there needs to be a focus on “self’. There is no more denying that a man can’t make you happy. Within the green grass on the other side women seem to believe that there lies the happiness that you lack. Many get through the white picket fence and into what seemed like the greener grass just to look back and see the grass behind them was green as well.

Let’s not forget about completion. Some women feel that they need this man to complete them. I still wonder who is out there telling women they are not complete.

Women, what would you do if he walked into the room? If you are not healthy mentally and emotionally you might not recognize him. You most likely have this fixed notion of a type that nine times out of ten doesn’t fit the type that is actually out there for you. Therefore, you turn a shoulder when he walks into the room.

Others I believe miss opportunities. He has walked in and out of the room on many occasions. However, we are too blind to see. In our impatience we create our own story. A story with the likely ending of divorce or content. A few might reach happiness eventually. A few.

I’m not here to prescribe steps that will guarantee anything. What I can provide are tips to get you thinking, reflecting and taking action.

Photo by Thomas William on Unsplash

Tip #1: Understand where you are when you walk into a room. You can get dressed to a point of glamour with makeup done perfectly. However, what do you look like inside? Where are you mentally and emotionally? If you have not dealt with your past to a point where you can say “I am healthy on the inside” then walk into the room knowing you are not there yet knowing you continuing to work on YOU!

Tip #2: Make sure you understand your own happiness. If you haven’t figured it out yet, then know that a man can’t make you happy. You have to be happy with yourself. What makes you smile? What makes you feel like you can conquer the day no matter what happens? Can you answer the basic questions with surety and confidence: What do you like to do for fun? What makes you laugh? What’s your favorite pass time? You’ll be surprised how you have to think about these basic questions. Especially if you’re someone who does so much for others that you seldom think of yourself. If you haven’t dated yourself, try it!

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

Tip #3: Keep your nose forward, don’t turn it up. I look back at the men I turned my nose up on. Not to say I was better than them. I had a “type” that I did not dare stray from. I wanted what I wanted. We want what we want. We have to realize that what we want and what we need can be two different things. Give someone an opportunity even if they don’t fit your type. Being open to a conversation instead of dismissing your non-type might surprise you!

You are a room away from that man. Be ready when you walk into rooms. This means working on more than your makeup and your outfit. Put some work into yourself.

There is so much more I want to write about. Let me know in the comments what you want to know more about as it pertains to relationships.

Thank you for reading my article. Please share with your friends and family. Encourage them to share what they want me to write more about.



Tisha Dunn

New author writing to educate, empower, inspire and set free. Transforming lives through Life Coaching and Business Coaching.