Hi, I’m Tisha (tee-sha). I spent more than two decades as an executive leader in financial services. After experiencing burnout and what can only be called a dark night of the soul, I embarked upon a lifelong spiritual quest that in its wayward way showed me my true calling.

I have since upended my entire life and am now in full pursuit of that fulfilling upon that calling. Having traded in my successful corporate leadership identity for that of an undergraduate student with the end goal of becoming a Psychologist specializing in complex early childhood trauma, schizophrenia, addiction, and other trauma-adjacent disorders.

I stumbled into the world of Medium as a reader in 2018, and immediately knew it was something special and that I wanted to write for and contribute to it. Several accounts later, I finally summoned the strength to take that leap and become a writer here. Today, I write to share my story, my passions, and the many layers that make me who I am. I am still finding my writing style and voice, but each day I walk a little closer to where I sense I am going. I am immensely thankful to all of the talented writers in this community who have not only become dear friends but also continue to inspire me every day.

I am obsessed with exploring the darker edges of humanity and life, in relentless pursuit of Spirit and love. I believe we find our greatest pearls through our shadow work and in this way, I seek to be a beacon of light from the shadows. I write with the hope that my words inspire compassion, understanding, healing, and love.

Medium member since March 2023
Friend of Medium since May 2024
Editor of Alethiology
Tisha Dee✨

Tisha Dee✨

Friend of Medium

I’m in the middle of reinventing myself, living life full of possibilities and on my own terms. Former corporate executive, turned full-time college student.