Titan’s New C Container Released!

A major update from the Titan Network

Titan Network
2 min readMay 30, 2024

Titan has launched a major update featuring the new C container, a cutting-edge technology designed for advanced resource scheduling and security isolation. This container technology provides an execution environment that allows a single node to support multiple program runs and be rented out to different customers. The C container is now the basic sales unit for Titan services.

Overview of Titan’s Container Technologies

Titan offers three types of container technologies, each targeted at different scenarios with unique functions and supported devices. Notably, only the C container supports the mobile phone version, making it a significant advancement.

Key Features of the C Container

  • Advanced Technology: The C container is an advanced project with 2 million lines of code, exclusively designed to run on mobile devices.
  • Script Support: It supports both JS and WASM scripts, making it versatile and powerful.
  • User-Friendly: With a low threshold for mobile phone users (install to earn), it promises broad applications and immense potential.

Future Developments and Testing

Titan has implemented the core code for IP leasing. The next steps involve testing IP leasing, CDN resource leasing, and Web3 projects on mobile nodes. These tests aim to demonstrate Titan’s strong potential in practical applications and ecosystem growth.

Invitation to Join and Collaborate

Titan is focused on developing a robust resource network. These initial services are just the beginning. We invite interested developers to join the development process. Additionally, we welcome large B-side customers to experience, purchase, and consume Titan’s services in bulk at high quality and low cost.

Short-Term Goals and Market Potential

Titan’s short-term goal is to leverage the capabilities of the C containers to achieve monthly resource sales of USD $30,000.

In a market with scarce sustainable business models, this test network’s initial capabilities position Titan as a promising project on the DePIN track for the upcoming Bitcoin halving.

Why Choose Titan?

  • Strong Fundamentals: Titan has a solid foundation and an organic community.
  • Sustainable Business Model: The project promises a viable and lasting business approach.
  • Innovative Potential: Titan aims to be a leading example of application implementation and ecosystem growth.

Join Titan now and be part of a groundbreaking journey in the resource network development space!



Titan Network

Titan Network is a digital resource network that incentivizes matching community idle resources with global demand.