I miss you so bad.


I swear, I miss you
I miss you so bad
I miss the excitement that bubbles in my heart everytime I wake up, because I know Iโ€™m gonna talk to you
I miss waking up to send you good morning texts
I miss falling asleep to the thought of you or to your voice
I miss having the chance to call you mine
I miss screaming about how youโ€™re my girlfriend
I miss planing meet ups
I miss how excited I get when I know Iโ€™m gonna see you
I miss how shy I get when I actually see you
I miss the non stop smiles that grace my face when Iโ€™m with you
I miss holding your hand
I miss your hugs
I miss your smell
I miss our talks
I miss our banter
I miss our laughs
I miss looking at you and smiling because I know Iโ€™ve got you and youโ€™ve got me
I miss talking to you for hours on end on the phone, and never running out of things to say
I miss our comfortable silences
I miss your smile
I miss seeing you happy
I miss cuddles with you
I miss kissing you
I miss the time we spent together
I miss having someone to love
I miss you
I miss our love

