Tito Ferdinand
3 min readJun 10, 2018


The Hello talk app is an app that lets you message, voice message and learn with others in an online forum in your prefered language. It can be downloaded for Android or your Iphone.

I found it especially helpful, because recently I havn’t had as much Italian practice and I often can’t muster the willpower to investigate the intracacies of Italian grammer. Yet with this app you can find a language partner who can even correct your sentences for you and help you with grammer that your struggling with. It has improved my speaking ability and I retrieve the phrases I received during my chats and immediately add it to my anki droid flashcard app libary.

  1. The way you may learn in the books and how people actuelly string sentences together maybe completly different. So watching how natives communicate through messages, voice messages and live are invaluable assets on your journey to fluency (or whatever your journey is about.)
  2. Like I said this is a way of getting new vocabularly for free, live grammatical usage of the language and an oportunity for a native to correct those sentences your left scratching your head about usuelly.

3. The forum wall, which is just called “learn” is perfect for everything I already said above; People can leave comments, correct you and leave stories, quotes, pictures etc..like a facebook wall so that you can learn a lot quicker. There is even group chats for specific languages and you can find language partners this way.

“Finding a language partner”

  1. It can seem a bit challenging at first especially if people don’t respond. Luckily it lets you know on someones profile what their interests are, which hopefully will match with your interests on your profile. Yet it doesn’t matter too much, if you are fact a good conversationalist.
  2. My method is sending people mass texts or voice messages, kind of like fishing, I always catch a Italian native fish this way. Or I send individual messages based on their interests. I state simply what I want to work on with my Italian and that it will be an equal exchange (that I’m not here just for taking.)

3. I understand too its a very impersonal activity messaging people you don’t know, so I try to make myself personal and build rapport through things we have in common. My goal is to be able to stick with a language partner and if they find me too generic and unrelatable or a person they will let me go. So I make sure to compliment them for helping me and how it is helping me, that way they feel good of being of service. Then I can return the favor and help them with their language learning. It’s a win win situation.

That’s about it, it’s in invaluable tool for language learning and I wish you much success with it.

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