Why you should use Node.js!

1 min readJan 19, 2023


  1. Node can be efficiently used to write server-side programming.
  2. It is asynchronous and can handle multiple requests from clients and process them efficiently on the server.
  3. Node enables developers working on the server and on the browser to build applications using the same programming language.
  4. It also provides an extensive library of JavaScript modules.

Node.Js has some key feature :

  1. Asynchronous => All APIs of Node.js libraries are asynchronous, that is non-blocking.
  2. Very Fast => Node.js executes code faster since it is built on the V8 engine from Google.
  3. Single-Threaded => Node.js uses a single-threaded model (Node has a bunch of C++ modules that are actually multi-threaded) with event looping.
  4. No Buffering => Node.js applications do not buffer data.
  5. Event-Driven => The notification mechanism of the events of Node.js helps the server to get a response from the previous API call.

And Bye The Way I fans Node.js because I love node.js, and it’s extremely versatile, but there are many, many, many situations where it would be a horrible tool.




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