Stand-Up Philosophy 14

Titus Maxus
2 min readJun 21, 2024

About going shopping.

Hello good people…!

First of all, have you ever noticed that supermarkets are like modern labyrinths? We enter on one side, get lost among shelves full of temptations, and come out on the other side, poorer and a bit more confused. It’s as if life offers us an infinite choice of possibilities, but we always end up making decisions based on the most colorful packaging. Doesn’t that say something about human nature?And what about those "buy two, get one free" promotions? It’s like the universe is telling us: "Have you ever thought about the dual rationale of your existence? No? Then here, take another bottle of shampoo you’ll never use!" But let’s talk about an even deeper aspect: the checkout line. The checkout line is that moment in life where we’re forced to reflect on our decisions. You’re there, with a cart full of useless things, and you have time to think about your choices. "Did I really need the seventh chocolate? What does this say about my self-control?" And then you start thinking about Kant and his categorical imperative. But instead of "what must I do?" you ask yourself "why did I do this?"And let’s not forget the eternal mystery of the defective shopping cart. It’s as if Aristotle said, "All shopping carts are created equal, but some are more equal than others." Because always, but always, we get the cart that pulls to one side. Philosophers would say it’s a metaphor for the path of life: no matter how much you try to stay on the straight path, there will always be something pulling you in the wrong direction. So, next time you go grocery shopping, think about the big questions of existence: Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? And, most importantly, where the hell is the olive oil.

Thanks for reading…!



Titus Maxus

Bachelor of Philosophy. I love the humanity of people. The exercise of creativity is the key to spiriatul evolution. MEDIUM is an opportunity.