Apple’s Brand Strategy

Titus Tae Kyoung Hwang
3 min readDec 2, 2022


Lia Bae, who works for a marketing company in Korea, has been using Apple products for the past five years. She loves everything about Apple products. She is an Apple enthusiast.

“The Apple aesthetic cannot be matched, and they just make amazing products that are user-friendly,” said Bae, “The way Apple products integrate with one other, it’s just super easy to use and mindblowing for sure.”

Her life changed ever since she started using an iPhone, and she cannot go back to her life before the Apple products.

Apple products

The Personality

The brand identity impacts how the brand is viewed. For example, apple focuses on simplifying people’s lives, creating human-centered products, and being a humane company with a genuine connection with its customers.

Customer loyalty, built by a stellar reputation, comes from voluntarily trading and accepting customer criticism, which creates value for customers by building solid convictions about its products compared to competitors.

The thing that drives customers crazy about the Apple brand is the detailed brand representation that Apple creates. The personality of Apple is solely about lifestyle, imagination, and the realization of dreams and aspirations. Apple’s message is always consistent, and when customers see the logo, they associate with Apple in the blink of an eye.


Rick Sweeney, vice president of marketing and communications at Gordon College, said that the branding strategy of Apple is what makes people so loyal to them.

“Visionaries started the company,” said Sweeny, “Apple made that connection, and one thing Steve Jobs understood was that action follows belief. So the company connects with people not about what you do or how you do it; it’s why you do it.”

Steve Jobs holding an Iphone

The brand recognizes the importance of all aspects of the customer experience. Apple brands start from the inside out. The brand begins with ideas instead of starting from the products. This makes many people comfortable getting a device because Apple is not just selling a device; they are selling ideas they have created. The idea of a beautifully designed product that is user-friendly and simple to use. “People do not buy what you do, but they buy why you do it.”

The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have; the goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.

The “Mac community’s” love for Apple products, for example, not only kept the company alive for much of the 1990s but also allowed the company to charge higher prices than its competitors.

Regarding brand loyalty, Apple has long been one of the most dominant smartphone brands. According to the new data released, Apple fans remain loyal to the company, with 90% of iPhone buyers.

The name values and the branding matters as the consumers buy iPhones rather than smartphones, just as they buy Kleenexes rather than tissues. Apple controls the entire market rather than just the product.

They understand that it is crucial not to the marketing angle but to how people identify with it.

Even the act of unboxing the new electronic feels entirely appropriate. The phone is framed by simple packaging mimicking Apple’s brand aesthetic, ensuring that all attention is focused on the product. The company does not simply deliver a phone, but they ensure that even the packaging provides an experience beyond the product. Overall that’s what keeps the customers loyal.

What is Apple, after all? Apple is about people who think ‘outside the box,’ people who want to use computers to help them change the world, to help them create things that make a difference, and not just to get a job done. — Steve Jobs

