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5 Shocking Things No One Tells You About Blogging

Ar. Titus Vargis


Two years ago, I embarked on a journey into the unknown world of blogging, armed with nothing but a plethora of thoughts clamoring for release and a desire to carve my path without external affirmations.

As I sit down to reflect on this journey, it's not the monetary accomplishments that stand out (though they have their place), but the profound lessons learned and the intrinsic rewards gained.

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Through trials, errors, and relentless perseverance, I've come to understand the essence of blogging and the transformative power of consistent, authentic writing. Let me share these insights with you.

Writing Requires Discipline and Consistency

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When I first started, the blank page was my worst enemy. It taunted me, challenging me to fill it with words that mattered.

I quickly learned that the only way to overcome this was through disciplined action and unwavering consistency.

Writing isn't about waiting for inspiration to strike; it's about showing up every day, ready or not.

This habit doesn't just apply to blogging; it's a life lesson that teaches you the power of commitment and the value of hard work.

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Reading Various Materials Inspires Your Writing

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My journey into blogging has reaffirmed something I've always believed: to be a writer, you must first be a reader.

Diving into a diverse pool of materials – books, articles, even other blogs – has opened my eyes to different perspectives and styles, enriching my own writing.

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This practice has not just inspired me but also taught me to look at the world through a broader lens.

Writing Enhances Wisdom and Brings Joy

Each word I write is a step toward understanding myself and the world around me better. The process of putting thoughts into words is not just cathartic; it's enlightening.

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The joy derived from crafting a well-received blog post is unparalleled, providing a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that transcends monetary rewards.

Blogging is a Gradual Process

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that success in blogging doesn't happen overnight.

It's a slow burn, a gradual process of building your voice, your audience, and your body of work.

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Patience is key. Instead of looking for immediate gratification, focus on the long game.

The growth you seek will come, one post at a time.

Focus on Passion, Not Just Profit

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In the early days, I was obsessed with metrics and how they could translate to financial success.

However, I soon realized that while money is important, it shouldn't be the driving force.

Writing about topics you're passionate about – be it hobbies, interests, or personal experiences – brings a level of authenticity and engagement that can't be faked.

This genuine connection with your audience is what will ultimately lead to success, in all its forms.

The Power of Authenticity

In a digital world brimming with content, authenticity is your greatest asset.

Developing a unique voice and staying true to it, even when it's tempting to follow trends, is what sets you apart.

This authenticity fosters a deeper connection with your readers, creating a loyal community that values your perspective.

Trust in Yourself

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The path to becoming a successful blogger is fraught with self-doubt and uncertainty.

There were moments when I questioned my abilities and the worth of my content. Overcoming these mental hurdles was crucial.

Trusting in my unique voice and the value I bring to the table has been the bedrock of my journey.

It's a reminder I carry with me: believe in yourself, even when it seems no one else does.


Reflecting on my blogging journey, the most significant realization is that the journey itself is the reward.

Every challenge faced, every lesson learned, has been a stepping stone to personal and professional growth.

Blogging has taught me the power of words, the importance of authenticity, and the undeniable value of perseverance.

So, to those standing on the precipice of starting their own blogging journey or those in the throes of it, remember: your voice matters.

Trust in it. Nurture it with discipline, and let it be heard. The world is waiting.

"Blogging isn’t just about numbers or financial success. It’s about the journey, the growth, and the joy found in sharing your voice with the world. Keep writing, keep dreaming, and never underestimate the power of your words.”

©Titus vargis



Ar. Titus Vargis

Upside down fresh Creativity|Paradigm shift|Reverse thinking|Staying foolish|