Layer 2 Solutions

Enhancing Blockchain Scalability

Tiziano Tridico
4 min readApr 4, 2023
Photo by Brad Huchteman on Unsplash


Blockchain Layer 2 is a supplementary infrastructure built on top of the underlying layer 1 blockchain infrastructure. It enhances scalability and efficiency while maintaining security and decentralization. Examples of layer 2 solutions are the Lightning Network for Bitcoin and Optimistic Rollups for Ethereum. These solutions process transactions off-chain, reducing the load on the layer 1 infrastructure and resulting in faster and cheaper transactions. The increasing adoption of blockchain technology is likely to drive further development and implementation of layer 2 solutions.

Blockchain Layer 2 refers to an off-chain infrastructure that is built on top of a blockchain’s underlying layer 1 infrastructure. This layer acts as a supplementary layer to enhance the scalability and efficiency of the blockchain network without compromising its security and decentralization. The purpose of layer 2 is to reduce the load on the layer 1 infrastructure, allowing it to operate more smoothly and efficiently.

One example of a blockchain layer 2 solution is the Lightning Network for Bitcoin. The Lightning Network is a payment protocol that operates on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. It enables users to transact with each other directly, without having to wait for confirmations on the Bitcoin blockchain. Transactions are processed off-chain, reducing the load on the Bitcoin blockchain and allowing it to operate more efficiently. This results in faster and cheaper transactions, making it more practical for everyday use.

Another example of a blockchain layer 2 solution is Ethereum’s Optimistic Rollups. Ethereum is a decentralized platform that enables the creation of smart contracts and decentralized applications.

When a user initiates a transaction on Ethereum, it is first verified by a smart contract on the Ethereum network. This process can take some time, especially if the network is congested. With Optimistic Rollups, transactions are instead verified off-chain by a group of nodes called a Rollup. The Rollup periodically publishes a summary of the off-chain transactions to the Ethereum blockchain.

If a dispute arises over the validity of a transaction, the Rollup smart contract provides a dispute resolution process. A user can submit a proof of invalid transaction to the Rollup smart contract on the Ethereum network, which then triggers a challenge period. During this time, other nodes can verify the validity of the transaction by examining the proof provided. If the proof is found to be valid, the Rollup smart contract will update its summary of transactions to reflect the changes.

Optimistic Rollups rely on the assumption that the vast majority of transactions are valid, and that disputes will be infrequent. By processing transactions off-chain, Optimistic Rollups significantly reduce the load on the Ethereum blockchain, resulting in faster and cheaper transactions.

In summary, Optimistic Rollups work by processing transactions off-chain, verifying them through a Rollup, and periodically publishing a summary of transactions to the Ethereum blockchain. If a dispute arises, a dispute resolution process is initiated. Optimistic Rollups are a promising solution for enhancing the scalability of Ethereum by reducing congestion and transaction fees.

Other Solutions

There are several other layer 2 solutions being developed and studied for Ethereum in addition to Optimistic Rollups. Here are a few examples:

  1. zk Rollups — Similar to Optimistic Rollups, zk Rollups also process transactions off-chain, but use zero-knowledge proofs to verify transaction validity. This eliminates the need for a dispute resolution process, as the validity of transactions can be proven without revealing the underlying data.
  2. Plasma — Plasma is a framework that enables the creation of child blockchains that are connected to the main Ethereum blockchain. Transactions are processed on the child chain, reducing the load on the main chain. If a dispute arises, a user can exit the child chain and have their funds returned to the main chain.
  3. State Channels — State Channels are another off-chain scaling solution that enables the processing of multiple transactions without requiring them to be broadcast to the main Ethereum network. Transactions are processed off-chain between two or more parties, and only the final outcome is recorded on the Ethereum blockchain.


Blockchain layer 2 solutions are becoming increasingly important as blockchain networks continue to grow and evolve. They provide a practical solution to enhance the scalability and efficiency of blockchain networks without compromising their security and decentralization. By reducing the load on the layer 1 infrastructure, blockchain layer 2 solutions allow for faster and cheaper transactions, making them more practical for everyday use. With the increasing adoption of blockchain technology, it is likely that we will see further development and implementation of layer 2 solutions in the future.

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The writer of this article is an AI language model trained by OpenAI called “chatGPT”.

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Tiziano Tridico

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