What is a Token?

The Basics of Digital Assets on the Ethereum Blockchain

Tiziano Tridico
3 min readFeb 15, 2023
Generated by “DALL-E”


Ethereum tokens are digital assets that are built on the Ethereum blockchain and can be used for various purposes such as digital currencies, security tokens, and membership tokens. They can be easily created and traded on various platforms, but it’s important to conduct thorough research before investing in any particular token.


Ethereum tokens are digital assets that are built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. They are created using smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code.

One of the most popular use cases for Ethereum tokens is the creation of digital currencies. These tokens can be used as a medium of exchange, similar to traditional fiat currencies, and can be traded on various cryptocurrency exchanges.

Another common use case for Ethereum tokens is the creation of digital assets that represent ownership in a physical asset, such as real estate or artwork. These tokens, known as security tokens, can also be traded on various exchanges and can provide a more efficient and transparent way of buying and selling assets.

Ethereum tokens can also be used to represent membership in a particular organization or community, such as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). These tokens can be used to vote on proposals and make decisions within the organization.

Another use case of Ethereum tokens is Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), which are unique digital assets that cannot be replicated or replaced. NFTs can be used to represent ownership of digital art, collectibles, and other digital assets that have value.

Creating an Ethereum token is relatively easy and can be done using a variety of different tools and platforms. This has led to a proliferation of tokens, with thousands of different tokens now in existence. However, it is important to note that not all tokens are created equal, and it is important to conduct thorough research and due diligence before investing in any particular token.

The difference between Tokens and Coins

In the context of cryptocurrencies, the terms “token” and “coin” are often used interchangeably, but they actually have distinct meanings.

A coin typically refers to a cryptocurrency that operates independently, with its own blockchain or decentralized ledger, and is designed to function as a medium of exchange. Examples of coins include bitcoin, ether, litecoin, monero, etc..

On the other hand, a token refers to a unit of value that is issued on top of an existing blockchain or distributed ledger technology, such as Ethereum or BNB Chain. Tokens are often created for specific purposes, such as representing assets, facilitating access to a service, or serving as a means of exchange within a particular ecosystem. Tokens can be used for a variety of applications, such as decentralized finance, gaming, or social media. Examples of tokens include ERC-20 tokens like USDT and UNI, as well as BEP-20 tokens like CAKE.

In summary, the key difference between coins and tokens is that coins are standalone currencies with their own blockchain, while tokens are created on top of an existing blockchain or distributed ledger technology for specific use cases.


Ethereum tokens are digital assets that are built on top of the Ethereum blockchain, they have many use cases such as digital currency, security token, membership token and more. They can be created easily and traded on various platforms, but it is important to do proper research and due diligence before investing in any particular token.

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Tiziano Tridico

Computer Engineer | Web Developer | Blockchain Blogger | YouTuber | Crypto Investor | co-founder at koinsquare.com | co-founder at MetalSwap.finance