The Photo: Niels Mickers

The Story Behind #BeTech

Kristoffer Tjalve


How and why we initiated a hashtag community

Back in January I was sitting in Copenhagen searching the internet for cool tech and startup initiatives in Belgium. The reason being that my girlfriend has secured herself a job in Brussels, so in only two months I was going to make the move from familiar Denmark to a country I knew little or nothing about.

To my surprise I discovered plenty of amazing initiatives for tech startups. Just take a look of the mapping of Belgian startup support initiatives made by the good guys at

There was no shortage of great initiatives. However, all of these initiatives relied on their own communication channels and there seemed to be no easy way to stay updated without subscribing to 30+ newsletters.

Therefore, when I met with Omar (@omohout) in early March, I suggested we imitated the success of #cphftw and started a common hashtag for all the terrific Belgian tech startup initiatives.

Omar was quick to grasp the value, so only few days after our first meeting, we kicked-off #BeTech on Twitter.

