Republican David Valadao betrays Central Valley on Dream Act

TJ Cox
1 min readJun 21, 2018

SELMA — Today Republican David Valadao took a party-line vote to kill a vote on a clean Dream Act. This is a betrayal of his promise to deliver a clean DREAM Act. Community development leader TJ Cox released the following statement:

“Mr. Valadao once again showed his true colors by siding with Trump and hardline immigration conservatives in Congress. He previously voted to take health care away from 100,000 of CA-21’s hardworking residents and recently stood on the sidelines as this Congress voted to make drastic cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that puts food on the table for 85% of our district’s children. Today he voted to kill a discharge petition that would allow a clean DREAM Act to make it to the floor of Congress. He pretends to be a moderate, but time and again stands with extreme Republican party leaders, instead of with the hard-working families of the Central Valley. DREAMers and our communities will pay the price for Valadao’s betrayal.”

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TJ Cox is running for Congress in California’s 21st District. He is a family man, engineer and small businessman with a passion for community development. TJ is married to Kathleen Murphy, MD, a pediatric intensive care physician. They are the proud parents of four children.



TJ Cox

Candidate for U.S. Congress in California’s 21st district