
Don’t read this, you can’t do it!

5 min readOct 4, 2018

The sentence: You can’t do it! This sentence everybody has heard at least once right? I think so, if not let me know. Do you know this day when you suddenly got this idea? Maybe to create your own business, or how to solve your financial problem or maybe what job you want to do? And you went to your parents/partner/friends and told them of your idea. And what was happening? They listen to your idea (in the most cases) and then they say something like: Sounds great or good luck trying it, nod in agreement, notice it in some ways or sometimes: If this would be so simple somebody else would have done that earlier. So it depends on your friends/partner/parents what they really want to say with it, there are people who really think so when they say that sounds great, but there are other people who don’t think so. I am curios to know how many ideas you dumped because of these people and I am curios to know why you dumped your idea before trying it. The main statement of this text should be: Do what you want and don’t listen to others and do it how you want.

So let’s focus on the people and why they think you can’t do it. Let’s take parents, not yours, not mine just parents in general. Let’s say you where young and one day you go and tell your parents: I will quit school! Now set back and think how these parents will act. Are they like: Well great my child when will you do this? Or are they like: Nodding and continuing with what they are doing? Or maybe are they like: Another word of this and you will be the rest of your life at home (except in your school time). And to make things more interesting you say: I will develop a new water transport system to save the people in countries with little water. Then you tell them your plan how you are going to do it and how do they react? Like: Yeah, let’s do this! Or more like: nodding and continuing with there activities? Or like: If this would be so simple why xyz (xyz=Placeholder) hasn’t done it before? I guess it’s more likely that they will do this nodding thing or these: When it’s so simple, why hasn’t somebody done it earlier?

Let’s take a better example. As everybody in life I need money, if you don’t need some please tell me. One day I talked to my parents: I want to make some money. And they say: You could go to your local store and work there or deliver Newspapers. And I am like: No, I want to build a deep-learning product to help people and earn some money with it. Then we are continuing to do our stuff. As you might see they don’t say anything to what my plan is, but you can feel they don’t think this might work. But why are people thinking you can’t do it? If you say I want to be a high payed programmer, but you don’t know coding, you will get more passive/negative answers as if you have studied programming and gained a top degree. The most time people won’t say you can’t do it directly, but there actions are showing it. Another example are people who don’t like there job and if you say to them: Change your job, search for something else. They reply: I am to old for this (you are 40 not 99). Or: I can’t, or: what should I do if learned only xyz.

Let’s focus on the question why people think the can’t do it. They can’t do what they want and make money with it, they can’t start a business, they can’t do the job they want and so on. So why is this? Well we humans like it to go mainstream right? You know it’s easy to do what other people are doing right? If you grow up you learn lot’s of jobs you can do? But no single word on how to start a business or how to evaluate the market for business opportunities. If you tell your parents that you want to start a business they will react in most cases not as if you are going to say to them: I will go and graduate and then study law. So it’s a natural habit that people do what they have done for a long time. Another problem is that people don’t believe in themselves and if you don’t believe in yourself you won’t believe in other either, so these people mirror they self doubt on you and think you can’t do it. If they have failed in some place to make there dream come true, they will think others can’t do it either, but maybe they should have tried it again.

So let’s finish this post, the most people think you can’t do something because: Most of the people are not doing it so it’s abnormal and humans don’t like abnormal things. Another reason could be that they failed in there life to do what they want. And if you haven’t experienced that it could work, why should they believe in this. So now for you: Should you do what you want to do? Of course yes, you should. If it’s crazy or nobody has done it before: definitely do it, someday someone’s always the first. And this is my key argument: If we were in the stone age and someone would his friend: Hey I have this idea to make fire. And they respond: If it would be this simple, probably somebody else would have done this. And his friend hasn’t taken action because of this sentence, we wouldn’t be in this modern age. Or if we would have all accepted the teachings of the church in the medieval times, we will be there today because of nobody has questioned things and followed there ideas, no matter that they could be killed for that. Today you won’t be killed for your ideas (in most cases), so go and do what you like to do.

If you can dream it, you can do it -Walt Disney

I hope you liked my first post and I would appreciate (constructive) feedback.

