Respect is a Dangerous Word

And why is should not be earned.

t.j. peters
7 min readMay 16, 2018

Folks, we have officially changed the meaning of respect. More often than not, our usage of a word that by definition means “to admire, as a result of abilities, qualities, or achievements” is delivered as a demand, with a sense of obligation, selfishness, and even fear. Proliferated by a reductive meme culture that strips words of meaning, respect is no longer admiration, but a twisted expectation motivated by the insecure belief that people are, by default, undeserving until they prove themselves worthy.

And it feels bad, man.

If you’d like a little background noise to make this depressing “think piece” more palatable, here’s the Aretha jam you’re already thinking of.

♪ R-E-S-P-E-C-ME ♪

To start, let’s just look at the word itself. To respect is to admire. Someone did something good (probably a bunch of times) so we collectively give her a big ol’ thumbs up. And while that usage does still happen, it seems more common to hear “respect” in a watered-down, right-of-passage context. It’s not about honoring. It’s a baseline. It is the bare minimum a person must do to be considered for approval.

“Show some respect!”

“Man, no one respects me.”



t.j. peters

Humorist. Essays, insights, anecdotes. Some poetry, some fiction. All of it is bad.