Will Citroen manage to re-invent the wheel?

Tristan Boudazin
6 min readOct 5, 2021

Take a look at this wild new automotive technology

Let me ask you three questions:

Firstly, don’t you find cars are always taking up too much space on the road even when they’re not needed? They just sit there, getting into everyone’s way while requiring a large portion of the road for as long as you don’t return. Secondly, and even if you go for an exquisite (and expensive) automobile, in the end, don’t you eventually get used to the exterior and interior design to the point where you become bored of it? And lastly, how about push-uping your way to work?

Behold the Citroen Autonomous Mobility Vision:

Photo: https://www.motor1.com

In theory, at least, the French manufacturer’s take on the future of mobility has answers to all the previous questions and so much more along with it. What I’m showing you so far isn’t actually the entire “car” but, just this once, Citroen actually did that on purpose. What you’re seeing here is the equivalent of a skateboard, only for cars. It contains the underpinning features such as an (unspecified) battery which should recharge by induction, a LOT of electronics, and what appears to be four moons on each corner of the car.



Tristan Boudazin

Hello there, I write for fun. I’ve been a car enthusiast for…ever, but now, I’m also sharing my strong opinions on the tech industry and mostly Apple products.