How to get the best flight deals, Everytime!

Tket InstaHelp
4 min readJun 11, 2018

-- offers super low convenience fee : Rs.49/-
  1. Search using incognito mode.

Several advantages.

First the website you’re on will not know who you are, your likings, preferences, spending capacity etc. This makes them treat you like a first timer and offer you the best deals. Also since you would be loading the website like a first timer your page would not a cached version which may show outdated data at times.

2. Use or for your domestic flight searches.

Using multiple websites at once actually does not help since you only increase the hits on servers of flights which may cause prices to rise. But let me tell you the truth behind some major OTAs , they block seats when they see intent. Now the advantage is they can offer you better fares than the rest since they have the old prices and the rest can only show you the latest available fares. This is almost illegal but widely practiced by 3 of the top 5 websites. and (a metasearch) do not induldge in such practices and should be your preferred choices.

3. There’s no formula to get the cheapest deals on particular dates/days.

All those gyan from the internet is BS. The flight rates are depend of several factors — internal and external — The load on any flight is unknown to everyone guessing. Only the revenue managers and the flight analyst would know. It’s true that buying too early does not help, but going by those 55/57/67 days funda is stupidity. It doesn’t work that way. And no it’s not cheaper on Tuesday or Wednesday, don’t let the internet trick you into all that crap.

4. Book on flights with good track record(Buying a ticket at the airport because your airline cancelled costs a bomb)

Don’t buy stupid flights because they are cheap. Just Don’t. Buying a ticket at the airport when your flight is cancelled is a tragedy — It costs a lot and the agony is best avoided.

5. Look for alternative airports

Say you’re travelling to a place which has 3 airports at similar distances, try the combinations. You can discover some amazing savings.

6. Keep your plans flexible

A day extra or lesser, a day before or later can make a huge difference. Being flexible has a lot of savings, also with respect to timings. Peak hour flights will always be expensive.

Mondays/Fridays are usually expensive at Major Cities and Weekends are for tourist destinations.

7. Some airlines have better fares on two way, some on one way. Check all options.

Most international websites have high one way fares, sometimes higher than two way fares. Check all options before booking

8. Always check the fares on the final page, OTAs are notorious for showing cached fares to garner traffic

OTAs trick you into believing they have a better fare and take all your names, email, phone number , date of birthday, passport details, your pets favourite food etc and the show you a insane trick on the payment page “Oops the prices have changed” . They knew it all along, but now you have come to far to do anything about it. You’d be like oh let me book before it rises any further. Try to avoid they silly practices.

9. Airline/OTA pricing Error — Super Rare — but if you spot one — Go for it

These things do happen, We have seen people fly to Europe for Rs.12400 two way. And buy Bangalore — Delhi flights at Rs.1210. Crazy things happen. Usually due to human error.

10. Kayak/Skyscanner are good for International/Horrible for Domestic Flights

Kayak and Skyscanner are rockstars when it comes to international travel — It does not mean they are cheap , they are just good to look up. But they are horrible for domestic bookings. Try instead, save time and money.

11. Be practical — Waiting for a Rs.200 drop does not make sense.

Sometimes peopel wait for prices to fall which is absolutely fair. But waiting for a Rs.200 drop is not . And waiting for prices to drop in the last 7 days is a sin. There’s way too much risk involved.

12. Miles/Points do matter — But be careful

Yes , Points and Miles matter but don’t end up ignoring other options just because you get a imli on one airlines. Mail us on we will send you loads of imli candy.

13. Don’t fall for the ads, check multiple sites before you book.

Yes, all OTAs have a bollywood star or two to tell the world they are the best. Well If you spend crores on hiring these star kids they it’s going to be difficult to compete with

If you know any other tips and tricks do add them in the comments section.

Thanks for reading. offers several advantages.

Lowest Convenience fee in the industry — Rs.49 for Domestic/Rs.99 for International. Nah, that other OTAs which buys paid reviews for their app offers a coupon for reducing their convenience fee.

Real time fares — Unlike the other OTAs *cough*scammers*cough* in the industry we do not show cached fares. All OTAs know the truth but play around.

Superior Customer Support — IVR sucks, we get it. Yeah it matters — Please don’t be that guy who buys flights from Bank websites who blame the 4rd party vendor etc.

Super cool Last minute airfares. We’re talking about saving thousands on a flight ticket for last minute requirements.

Several Flat Fee options, We offer Flat Fares for most metros and popular routes. Mail us to find out if you could get lucky.

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