Updates to “A Metric Learning Reality Check”

Kevin Musgrave
2 min readAug 5, 2020


I recently uploaded a new version of A Metric Learning Reality Check to arXiv. Here are the highlights:

Unfair Comparisons: Concrete Examples

People were asking for examples to back up my claims about unfair comparisons, so I created a list of examples. See the screenshots below.

Click here to view the list with working links
Click here to view the list with working links
Click here to view the list with working links
Click here to view the list with working links

Bayesian Optimization Plots

The supplementary material comes with bayesian optimization plots, like the one below. Each plot shows how the validation accuracy changes with respect to hyperparameters. Click here to view the plots.

Comprehensive “Papers vs Reality” Figure

We updated the “trend according to papers” to include more algorithms.

Large Batch Experiment Results on CUB200

We added results for CUB200 with a batch size of 256. The increase in batch size gives FastAP a significant boost in accuracy, and as a result, it performs on par with the rest of the methods, rather than underperforming.

Better Explanation of MAP@R and its Benefits

We explained in more detail why MAP@R is preferable to Recall@1.

Related links

Finally, here are some links you might find interesting:


