
1 min readNov 2, 2023


By Author / My Little Sharing

What do you think about the quote? I think the quote “Be less curious about people and be more curious about ideas” is a bit misleading. It implies that people are not interesting or worthy of attention, and that ideas are somehow more valuable or important. But I don’t think that’s true. People are the source of ideas, and ideas are the reflection of people. You can’t really separate them. Being curious about people means being curious about their experiences, their perspectives, their passions, their dreams, their fears, their hopes. And being curious about ideas means being curious about how they came to be, how they affect the world, how they challenge or inspire us, how they connect or divide us. Both are essential for learning and growing as a human being. So I would say, be curious about both people and ideas, and you will never run out of things to wonder about.

By TK / My Little Sharing.




Overall 31 years of work experience with 25 years of business, management and operations background in a wide variety of industries.