How Fresh&Fit Exposes the Biggest Problem of the Manosphere

And There’s Terrence
7 min readAug 20, 2021


Photo by ConvertKit on Unsplash

I was working on a completely different blog until I was on YouTube just minding my own business then I stumbled on probably the most unexpected internet beef that my eyes had ever laid on. I am going to be talking about Fresh&Fit & Aba & Preach. I am usually not interested in any internet drama because for the majority of it, it’s petty and it makes both sides really dumb and came off worse than when the beef began. In this case, however, this is one is a little more compelling and it gives a cautionary tale of being too big for his britches. When all ego meets no humility, it’s a recipe for disaster.

Disclaimer: There are a lot of terms that are unfamiliar with majority of people so I am leaving terms and definitions.

Who are Fresh&Fit?

Fresh&Fit is a podcast hosted by Myron “Fit” Gaines & Walter “Fresh” (Sometimes addressed as FreshPrinceCeo) Weekes. Setting in Miami, they discussed dating, finance, fitness and lifestyle, but instead, they became more well known for their after hours show with their Jerry Springer-esque presentation of the podcast. Usually in their After Hours show, they bring a bunch of women in their podcast and debate them about dating. I actually stumbled upon them when they did one that featured Hafeez and Chris from the Roommates Podcast and 3 girls, 2 who does OnlyFans. In the middle of the discussion why OnlyFans is just temporary work, the girls took offense to that and walked off. At the time, it was mind blowing experience and that led me to subscribe to them…for only a month and a half at most. Every After Hours Show the show was the same. Just arguing about absolutely nothing for 2 or 3 hours and I wasn’t learning anything new from what I already knew from the manosphere* circle. I unsubscribed because the presentation of the show was just mostly negative all the time and I get that’s how they make their views, but if I was the host it would just crush my spirit and I would just quit altogether.

*Manosphere = A collection of online forums, books, and videos discussing masculinity.

Who are Aba & Preach?

Aba and Preach are a reaction/commentary channel on YouTube hosted by Aba Atlas and Erich “Preach” Etienne. They mainly discuss on culture, taboo subjects on social issue. They started as back as 2012. I discovered them last year when they reacted to a video on Tomi Lahren which it made me laugh. The way they handle topics with more objectivity and look all sides from certain issues. I subscribed to them for that very reason. They make their videos so simple, but have such high quality because of their integrity. They are not perfect by all means and they will have some misses, but I definitely enjoy the majority of their videos. Many news outlets, media, internet etc. would always have one biased opinion. Whether racism, culture or politics, Aba and Preach confront it all sides with laughter and perspective. I am still subscribed to them as of writing this and I still take the time to see the video they uploaded.

What Happened?

For whatever reason I don’t understand, Aba & Preach appeared on the Fresh&Fit albeit in separate settings, have discussed about legalizing prostitution or paying for sex is beta* and anyone that does that is a simp*. One of the hosts, Fresh claimed he is not a beta because he is a high value man* that wants a woman’s “soul” and he means that he wants a woman’s respect and desire. That didn’t sat right with either Aba or Preach as they argue high value men pay for sex all the time. Myron was later exposed for having a Seeking Arrangements account, a sugar daddy or baby dating site, ergo he pays for sex. Fresh & Fit were also exposed for soliciting sex with women to give “clout” and have them on the show. Aba and Preach took account of these discoveries and called out Fresh and Fit for their inconsistencies and hypocrisies. Later, during their podcast on air, Myron and Walter “addressed” the latest controversies and turned it up to 11 in the worst way imaginable. Instead of addressing Aba and Preach’s criticisms, they compare their numbers of subscribers and views and attack them personally. What crossed the line is the “roast” segment when Myron insulted Preach’s wife and country (Haiti) and challenged Preach to box and when Preach accepts, F&F backpedals and told there will be no fight. It tells you the mindset of Fresh&Fit. They are grown men and they just bragged in such a juvenile sense that it come across as a metaphorical penis measuring contest. When it all went down, Fresh & Fit apologized on their YouTube Community page and their after hours show live. As much respect as I would love to give F&F for owning up their terrible rebuttal, it doesn’t change the fact they lost so much credibility in the eyes of multiple people from the internet and it’s going to hurt themselves more in the long run.

Side Note: As of writing this, Fresh&Fit had lost 30k subscribers on their YouTube Channel, mean while Aba & Preach, who has 1.3 million subscribers jumped to 1.41 million. I personally don’t think this will end Fresh&Fit, but what they need to do is to change the presentation of their content and stop bringing these OnlyFans and Instagram Models. I think they are going to recover, but they really need to change the way of how they view women and more importantly, themselves.

Beta Male* = A man who lacks masculine energy and adopts feminine characteristics, often faces problems or confrontations passive aggressively. (Source: Urban Dictionary)

Simp* = A man who sacrifices his dignity and gives all of his attention to women who will not reciprocate. (Source: Personal definition)

High Value Man* = A variation of an “Alpha Male”.

Let’s Talk About the Manosphere

So I used to be in this manosphere. As in everything you have named under the sun, red-pill, MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way), Pick Up Artist etc. I am 26 years old now and I am no longer in that space. I discover the space between the ages of 20–23 and I remember being very broken hearted by this one girl that I was involved with at the former age. I was confused and didn’t know what I did wrong. I don’t remember exactly how I discovered the red pill or which YouTube Channel made me discovered the Red Pill, but I remember just gobbling a lot of content and videos on “female nature”*, “hypergamy”* minimalism and self improvement. I was constantly blown away by the newfound knowledge and I was learning to accept the fact that I may not be seen as desirable for women in general. I eventually just focused more on just improving myself for the better and they were good content that focuses on minimalism, discipline, and my favorite: fitness. I was a firm believer of the manosphere and that it’s going to be mainstream and awakes a lot of people up. And I was so wrong. What led me to leave the manosphere was when the red pill/MGTOW community were taken over by a bitter men who had their heart broken probably once and just started focusing on making content bashing women left and right, reason or not. I was avidly watching this at first, but it made me very nihilistic and hating women. I eventually started understanding that as men, we are not perfect either. There is nothing wrong with focusing on dating and attraction, but the biggest problem exposed in the manosphere is that more and more there are broken and bitter men who were just trying to chase women who are most likely not good for them and once rejected it creates this resentment to the gender and I just couldn’t advocate that. Fresh&Fit represented that aspect and it cost them exponentially. It’s clear that F&F brought the OnlyFans and Instagram girls to fit their message that women are bad and gives their audience this warped idea that that’s how ALL women behave and that is a very flaw. I can’t speak for anyone else who is in the manosphere, but once I recognize this I just had to get out of there and start anew. Whether or not I have everything put together, I know deep down I still want to have a healthy marriage and children. I am currently in an amazing relationship that opened my eyes that not all women are evil. Dating has definitely gotten difficult for a lot of young people nowadays. Men and women alike. Referencing Spongebob, it’s like finding a hay in the needlestack.

Hypergamy* = An evolutionary psychology “theory” that women seek higher status men or men with more resources to give her seed to the best mate possible. (Source: Urban Dictionary)

Female Nature* = Also called “monkey branching”. Explained if a woman find a man of higher value, she will mentally move on to him, while she will keep her previous man who has money. (Source: also Urban Dictionary)

Should you care about it?

I am going to be honest. I think a lot of people are going to stop caring once this feud dies down, but the purpose of this is to create a discussion about what is really right about the people we look up to on the internet, the content we consume and the culture that was created. The ultimate lesson for this whole internet drama is take things with a grain of salt and have a healthy level of discernment when you stumble upon communities. We need to be careful as individuals for whatever message is feeding into our brains. With that being said, I hope the manosphere changes for the better and be more open what to change about their community.



And There’s Terrence

I write about anything and everything and have people read my stuff.