Flutter: The Story Behind the Bird

Tom Kornblit
4 min readNov 18, 2014


This is a very exciting time in the Flutter journey. For an entire year Max and I spent our precious nights and weekends grinding at AlleyNYC building-out Flutter in isolation. Today we can finally say we have a product that you will love.

So without further ado, ladies and gentlemen I give to you … the bird!

Why we built Flutter

Max and I met at AlleyNYC while working on our previous startup ventures late one night. We ended up being the last two on the the entire floor and somehow started talking about how we both uncovered an interesting human phenomenon on Twitter, and were exploiting it in an extremely interesting way. It was quite romantic. Max the ambitious titan that he is, said three words that will forever change our lives: “Let’s productize it.” We both stopped working on our other companies and started Flutter.

What is Flutter?

If you haven’t heard about Flutter (it’s okay, my feelings aren’t hurt), I’ll take the time to introduce you now. Flutter is a simple tool that helps organically accelerate your influence on Twitter. In an age where a Social Media presence for companies is of upmost importance, Flutter can play a pivotal roll of increasing your reach in the Twitter stratosphere.

Who’s in the Flutter tribe?

I’m convinced that we have the coolest customers. To date the Flutter community is 130+ strong, most of which are startup founders like ourselves, that are fighting the good fight to level the playing field with the competition in their market. You’re likely to find these Flutterers on the cutting-edge of their respective industries.

We are extremely proud of the early success of our customers and would like to give a special shout out to a few awesome entrepreneurs and their respective companies that use Flutter.

Harry Raymond of Swig:

Swig is Instagram for drinkers and just gained serious traction in Russia.

Ashish Walia and Raad Ahmed of LawTrades:

LawTrades is a marketplace for Lawyers backed by a very strong team. They’ve already had some acquisition offers (keep that between us ☺). Definitely a company to watch.

Trevor Owens and Grace Ng of Lean Startup Machine:

This one speaks for itself. The super impressive team behind Lean Startup Machine is on a mission to help entrepreneurs around the world make their dream of building a successful business come true. Javelin, the company behind LSM, has also recently come out with another really useful product for entrepreneurs called QuickMVP.

What Flutter is not?

Flutter is not magic.

If your business isn’t compelling, I’m sorry but we probably can’t do much for you (you should have used QuickMVP).

Quote by Ash Maurya, Author of Running Lean

However, if you’ve built something amazing, and it’s still a secret, we can help accelerate your traction.

At what rate can we accelerate your traction? 15000%.

Yes, you read that right. Here’s a quick visual to paint the picture.

Final Thoughts

If you have the next great idea and want to share with the world, we’re here to help.

Continue the conversation on Twitter at @tkornblit, @msavin, and @FlutterHQ.

Thanks to Devon Rothman for reading drafts of this and being a legend as usual.



Tom Kornblit

Sharing thoughts about startup life and my journey of growing @Zeek_ai