Truong Lam✌Designing for Section 508 compliance companyExperience with enterprise vs. consumerJan 16, 2016Jan 16, 2016
Truong Lam✌Hong Kong — where I struggled and where I made it.Hong Kong — the city where I learned most about struggle and success.Apr 23, 2015Apr 23, 2015
Truong Lam✌How to constantly release your work and get feedback from customers early onIt happens to all of us at least once a quarter. Sometimes two to three times a quarter!Mar 11, 2015Mar 11, 2015
Truong Lam✌“Mobile First” in a nutshell.What is “mobile first” strategy and what the future holds for mobile.Mar 3, 2015Mar 3, 2015
Truong Lam✌4 Steps In My Design ProcessThere are a lot of ways people come up with the things they want to build. I go by a fairly easy work flow that I am sure not just…Feb 10, 2015Feb 10, 2015
Truong Lam✌Back in the Bay Area and job huntingI recently just came back to the Bay Area and began my job hunting. I have already began to look for jobs before I even came back, but the…Feb 7, 2015Feb 7, 2015
Truong Lam✌Find the right people to work with in a startupDo not settle for less and pick B-minus players.Jan 9, 2015Jan 9, 2015