How to Use Hypertargeting to Find Ideal Customers on Social Media

Tom Lauck
4 min readOct 23, 2017


Digital marketing unlocked a powerful advertising device that was not available in the age of traditional marketing — hypertargeting.

With traditional marketing, advertisers had to send out messages and hope they would land in front of the right audience. Now, with hypertargeting, advertisers can choose exactly who sees their messages. It’s no longer an outreach guessing game. Hypertargeting allows advertisers to select the exact audience they want to connect with.

What Is Hypertargeting?

Hypertargeting is the act of delivering a digital advertising message to a defined audience based on very specific characteristics and qualifications. It’s the process of filtering audiences down into a distinct group that you only want to see your marketing messages.

You can use hypertargeting on search platforms like Google, as well as on a variety of social media sites that include:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn

How to Use Hypertargeting

Here are a few ways you can use hypertargeting to improve your search engine marketing and social media marketing efforts.

Target people based on their demographics. Filter out audiences based on basic demographic details such as age, gender, marital status, occupation, job title, income, and family-size to target people who match your ideal buyer.

Target people based on their geographic location. If you only serve clients or customers in a certain area, use filters to target only the people who live close enough to patronize your business.

Target people based on their interests. Audiences reveal a lot about themselves online by what they share, like, and post. Use these insights to your benefit, and target audiences based on the:

  • Social profile pages and accounts they like and follow
  • Interests they select
  • Keywords in messages they engaged with
  • Posts they like and repost

Target people based on their behavior while using your site. Audiences also reveal a lot about themselves without even knowing it. They leave trails of information just by visiting websites and webpages. You can use Facebook for business to create and target audiences based on:

  • Which pages they viewed on your website
  • Which pages they didn’t view on your website
  • How long they stayed on your website

Target people based on their behavior while engaging with your Facebook page. You can also track audiences based on how they interact with you on Facebook. You can target users if they:

  • Liked your page
  • Visited your page
  • Clicked on a call-to-action button on your page
  • Sent you a message
  • Engaged with your posts
  • Watched a video on your page
  • Watched a video on your page for a specific amount of time

Target people based on the device they’re using. Hypertargeting can also get technical and target users based on the type of device they use to view the ad or website you’re promoting. You can use filters to only reach mobile, desktop, or tablet audiences. This strategy is helpful if you are sharing content that is only a good fit for a specific device.

Target people based on their buying habits. Digital platforms allow you to target users based on the information the site has collected about the user. They also allow you to use third-party data to dive deeper into the details of your target audience. By pulling data from other platforms, many social media sites allow you to target audiences based on their purchasing habits. You can target audiences based on:

  • The type of products they have purchased
  • The method of shopping they typically use (online or in-person)
  • Type of brick-and-mortar stores they frequently visit
  • Whether or not they purchase subscription services

Tips For Hypertargeting

As you can see, there are multiple ways to drill down into a large audience and target the people most likely to respond to your marketing messages. To get the most out of this digital marketing strategy, keep these tips in mind.

  • Start by creating buyer personas. When you have a buyer persona that clearly describes your target audience, it will be easier to create your hypertargeting strategy.
  • Create unique ad copy for each segment. Think about the unique characteristics of the target audience you selected, and create copy that specifically speaks to that audience.
  • Test, monitor, and analyze. Hypertargeting will help you create more effective ads from the start. But, things won’t be perfect on your first attempt. Continue to track your results, measure your success, and tweak your targeting and ad copy to move toward an even more powerful strategy.
  • Tie hypertargeting into the rest of your marketing plans. As with all marketing campaigns, hypertargeting is more effective when combined with other strategic plans. Combine your hypertargeting with other marketing initiatives to get the highest return on investment.

Learn how to maximize the effectiveness of your hypertargeting campaigns by grabbing our free digital marketing ebook. The guide will walk you through the process a creating successful marketing campaign so you can see how to get the most out of your hypertargeting outreach efforts.

