Feminist Friday: Ellen Pao

Blow That Back Out
2 min readJun 14, 2024


Core: “Diversity is not just a box to check. It’s a requirement for good decision-making.” — Ellen Pao

Seeds: Ellen Pao’s journey to becoming a champion for gender equality in tech wasn’t a straight line. Growing up in a culture that valued academic achievement, she excelled in math and science, paving the way for a career in a male-dominated field. However, her experiences in Silicon Valley revealed a stark reality: the tech industry wasn’t exactly welcoming to women.

Skin: Ellen Pao rose to prominence as a venture capitalist and later became interim CEO of Reddit. However, her most defining moment came with her gender discrimination lawsuit against her former employer, Kleiner Perkins. While she ultimately lost the case, it sparked a global conversation about sexism in the tech industry. Her book, “Reset,” became a blueprint for women navigating the challenges of a male-dominated workplace.

Stem: Pao’s activism extends beyond her own experiences. She fights for equal opportunities and fair treatment for women in tech. She co-founded Project Include, a non-profit organization that works to increase diversity and inclusion in the tech sector. Pao uses her platform to advocate for policies like paid parental leave, challenging the notion that successful careers and motherhood are mutually exclusive.

Eve Was Framed:

Ellen Pao disrupts the narrative that women in tech are simply not qualified or lack the ambition to succeed. She exposes the biases and discriminatory practices that hold women back. By speaking out and taking legal action, she challenges the expectation that women should stay silent and accept the status quo.


Ellen Pao’s unwavering voice has ignited a firestorm of change. Her bravery has inspired countless women to pursue careers in tech and fight for their rightful place in the industry. She is a symbol of resilience, paving the way for a future where tech leadership reflects the diversity of the world we live in.

Throughout history, women who dare to challenge the power structure are often labeled as difficult, disruptive, or even bitter. Ellen Pao’s story flips the script. She embodies the idea that a woman can be ambitious, outspoken, and fight for what’s right without compromising her femininity. Her work is a testament to the power of reframing narratives and inspiring a new generation of women to rewrite the story of gender equality in tech.



Blow That Back Out

Providing digital personal safety tip to combat and counter harassment and hatred. Because those elements are toxin and we need to blow that back out.