1 min readJul 26, 2016


Humans are an infinitely creative lot. That some are using it to enhance pleasure in new ways — instead of, say, creating new weapons of mass destruction — is hardly us destroying human civilization.

People already use porn. And despite all of the predictions of the hysterical conservatives, it has in no way led to the end of us. If anything, it’s been the opposite: regimes where religious conservativism has included crackdowns on pornography are generally where women are tightly controlled, politically oppressed, and experience greater physical violence on the streets and in their communities.

As technology creates innovation for industry all sectors, it’s absurd to call the developments in the sex industry the pivot point for human development, the herald of the end of times. Print didn’t do it. Radio didn’t do it. Television didn’t do it. The Internet didn’t do it. And porn — whether enabled by old-school dildos or newly-enhanced ones, and whether shared by print, radio, TV, or the Internet — won’t either.

Anyone up for a virtual orgy? Looks like it’s gonna be fun (and, hey, zero risk of STDs!).




Uppity American leftist living abroad. I hate the living.