Phoenix Feature Folders

Tom Liversidge
4 min readFeb 16, 2017


After years on the .net platform, I’ve recently started learning Elixir and Phoenix. One thing both .net MVC and Phoenix shared in common is their way of organising code by types. For example, all models, views and controllers are kept together in their respective folders. Running

mix my_app

results in a folder structure like this:


The advantage of this folder structure is that it is a simple, easy to understand convention and is quite common across platforms.

However, ask yourself how often you have a requirement that is to change something in all your controllers, models or views. In my experience, almost never.

The default folder structure seems to be optimised for a use case that rarely exists. The larger your project grows, the less sense this makes.

Now ask yourself how often you have to add something to an existing feature. For example, adding a new field to a model, with some associated business logic, that is displayed in the UI. I’ll bet quite often.

So why don’t we group related files together by the feature they represent?

Feature Folders

The concept of feature folders is simply that you organise your code by features, rather than by types. To use a real example, I’m going to use the application built in the excellent Programming Phoenix book. This app allows a user to register with the site, add videos to their account and view and annotate these videos in real time. Organising the project structure by features might look something like this:

authentication/ #logging in, authenticating requests etc..
membership/ #registering with the site, viewing account etc.
video_viewer/ #the main app, viewing and annotating videos
admin/videos/ #managing your videos

When working on, for example, the video viewer functionality, I have all pieces of the puzzle together in the same folder. I’m not having to jump around between controllers and views and models folders just to find the pieces related to viewing videos.

So how do you accomplish this in Phoenix? Well, it’s very simple, thanks to the extensibility of the framework

Setting up Phoenix for Feature Folders

The only change we’re going to make is to tell Phoenix to locate the templates for views inside our feature folder. That’s it. We’re going to use the video_viewer feature from above for our example.

Default Behaviour

How does Phoenix know where to look for our templates? When we generate a project using mix a number of helper files are created for us, one of which is web.ex. Inside this is a view function:

Note the use Phoenix.View, root: "web/templates" line. This view function is, by default, used from our *_view.ex files:

use requires the given module and then calls the __using__/1 callback on it allowing the module to inject some code into the current context. __using__/1 is defined in the generated web.ex file as:

As you can see, it takes an atom that defines the function to apply and passes an empty array as the last parameter to apply/3. So by having use MyApp.Web, :view in our *_view.ex files, we are saying "use the view function in web.ex, don't pass in any arguments and use "web/templates" as the root for templates."

Implementing Feature Folders

In order to have implement our desired behaviour we need to:

  • accept some options in our view function in web.ex and pass them to Phoenix.View
  • pass these options in from our *_view.ex files
  • hook it together by way of __apply__/1

Let start by allowing some options to be passed into our view function:

Here we allow opts to be passed into the function, defaulting to "web/templates" if not used. This maintains backwards compatibility with the existing convention.

Next, we need to know what options to pass in from our *_view.ex files. Our opts will get passed to Phoenix.View which accepts :root, :path, :namespace and :pattern options. The two we are interested in are :root and :path. The docs state:

  • :root - the template root to find templates
  • :path - the optional path to search for templates within the :root. Defaults to the underscored view module name. A blank string may be provided to use the :root path directly as the template lookup path.

Given our requirements of locating the template files in the feature folder, we need our :root to be the path to the folder and our :path to be an empty string in order to override the default:

We now need to hook this in via the __using__/1 function in web.ex. We can take advantage of pattern matching and define a new definition as follows:

Again, we maintain backwards compatibility by keeping the existing __using__ definition and adding a new one that expects a tuple of {which, opts}. Notice that in our new definition we are passing the options in the final parameter to apply/3 - these will then get passed to Phoenix.View by way of our view function above.

With these changes we should now be able to move our code into feature folders! When creating new feature folders, the only thing we need to remember to do is set the :root and :path options in our view files use MyApp.Web call.

Source code

I’ve made changes to the rumbl app from Programming Phoenix at to demonstrate the use of feature folders

