Growler Ink, original story link here. Please read.

Growler Ink, Alternative Story Line #1

T. Mark Mangum
Total Fiction


I published Growler Ink, June 5th, asking readers to vote for the storyline direction here is the winner. The 2nd place Alternative Story Line can be read here.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

To Say that Sally Well and Growler Ink were made for one another, would be a slight understatement. Sally thrived at Growler, the work was exciting, magical, imaginative, creative, and the atmosphere more like a daily gathering of friends at a back-yard barbeque than work.

The stuffiest bunch of folks at Growler Ink were the News folks. Facts were God and Growler no twist or spin. The lengths they went, checks, and balances that were part of the routine often had those guys flummoxed. Believing they had everything necessary to push a story out but the bosses insisting on one more read through, or another source, or an alternate check on the background of a source.

Sally had told Mitch that she would rather be homeless then go through what those guys must endure getting a story published. It had been half a year now since Mr. Wren had given her the additional task of an uninterested eye for the Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, and Albania newsgroup. Meaning she had to read and edit the news articles coming from those poor souls. The only saving…



T. Mark Mangum
Total Fiction

For the serious reader. Short, compelling fiction for the serious reader. I use Imagination, wonder, and surprise to create my tales. Please Enjoy reading them.