Exploring the Unity XR Interaction Toolkit: A Guide

Thomas Mauro
3 min readJan 23, 2024



The Unity XR Interaction Toolkit is a powerful tool for creating immersive VR experiences. This article will guide you through the steps to install the toolkit, use its features, and test them in the DemoScene. It’s tailored for developers using the MetaQuest, but the principles apply broadly to VR development.

Step 1: Installing the XR Interaction Toolkit

  1. Open Unity Hub: Start a new project or open an existing one.
  2. Access the Package Manager: Go to Window > Package Manager.
  3. Install the XR Interaction Toolkit: Search for “XR Interaction Toolkit” and install the latest stable version.
  4. For starter I will use the default XRI Input Actions and the DemoScene template to do some testing.

Step 2: Exploring the DemoScene

The DemoScene in the XR Interaction Toolkit provides a sandbox to test different interactions.

Grab Interactable Objects

  • Kinematic Movement: Objects move with the hand but ignore physics (like gravity).
  • Instantaneous Movement: Objects teleport to the hand’s position, providing immediate response.
  • Velocity Tracked Movement: Objects move realistically, following hand’s speed and direction.

Poke Interaction Examples

  • Enable Particle System: Touching the object triggers a red particle effect, simulating a fountain.
  • Play Sound: Pressing a button or using a controller action plays an audio clip.
  • Increment UI Text: Each touch increases a counter displayed on the UI.

Gaze Interactable Objects

  • Gaze Hover: Objects highlight when looked at.
  • Gaze Assist: Helps in focusing on small or distant objects.
  • Gaze Select/AutoDeselect/Interactable Override Times: Select objects by looking, with customizable interaction times.

Step 3: UI Sample

  • Test Controls: Includes a slider, a dropdown menu, a button, and toggles.
  • Slider: Move left or right to adjust its value.
  • Dropdown: Offers choices (A, B, C).
  • Button: Simple press action.
  • Toggles: Highlight when active; one is a button, the other a checkmark toggle.

Step 4: Test Scroll View

  • Basic Scroll View: Interact using VR controllers, scroll through content.

Step 5: Climb Sample

  • Ladder to a Platform: Experience climbing in VR, adding a sense of verticality.

Step 6: VR Teleportation

  • Teleportation Spots: Move instantly to predefined locations in the DemoScene, essential for navigation in VR environments.


The Unity XR Interaction Toolkit is a robust framework for VR development. By following these steps, you can explore its features and create engaging VR experiences.

