Reflection Probes in Unity

Thomas Mauro
1 min readSep 5, 2022


Reflection on objects in-game help to enhance the overall realism of the environment. One of the best things about the Unity Reflection Probe is not super intensive on CPU/GPU. The Reflection Probe will do a similar job as light probes. With the reflection probe being lighter for rendering. Depending on the project you still may want to use light probes.

This is very easy to initially set up in your game:

  • GameObject/Light/Reflection Probe

From there your Reflection Probe will be in the hierarchy. You can adjust things like Importance, Intensity, Box Projection, Blend distance, Box Size, and Box Offset. Then there are also Cuemap Capture settings. These are Resolution, HDR, Shadow Distance, Clear Flags, Background, Culling Mask, Use Culling Occlusion, and Clipping Plains. A lot of options to play around with. Learn and tweak! Check out the video below for a quick example I personally like this being in my control room project. It for sure made it look cooler.

