Bible-Based Programs to Help You Process Trauma

When life gets tough, there are some amazing support groups available to us

Teresa Colón
7 min readAug 21, 2019

“My husband died by suicide. I’ve had to be strong for my kids, but I’ve also had to be strong for his parents, who are struggling with this loss. I’m starting to break and I don’t know what to do. HELP PLEASE!”

I saw this message in a Christian Women’s group I belong to on Facebook and it broke my heart. This question, or some near variant, shows up nearly as often as questions on homosexuality, when divorce is acceptable, and how to handle an abusive spouse (Answer: You don’t. You leave as soon as possible.)

Additionally, the women’s ministry at my church gets approached by women pretty consistently who are wrestling with some tough issues and need some specific guidance, and want to learn a Biblical approach for walking through their challenges.

Thanks to the Life Groups pastor at my church, we offer an entire Wednesday-night program (called CARE Night) to help people struggling with storms in their lives. I’m now the CARE Night Coach, which means I assist with locating facilitators, putting new groups into place, and providing support for our facilitators, who deal with some heavy, heavy topics.



Teresa Colón

Mom & knitter. Passionate about mental health & helping people feel better. The names are changed; the stories are real. Learn more at