I Never Thought Mental Health Recovery Would Include Body Modification

It was time to jettison the baggage of my past

Teresa Colón
5 min readAug 12, 2019

When I entered my mental health recovery from bipolar disorder, I had some distinct expectations.

I expected to address, resolve, and heal from hurts and traumas inflicted throughout my life.

I expected to learn new skills and tools that I can use to help me live a more productive, fulfilling, and purposeful life.

I expected to make changes, like finding ways to make sure I take my meds on time and changing my routines to reflect healthier habits.

I expected all this work to be challenging and rewarding, with setbacks and successes.

What I didn’t expect was that my recovery process would ultimately include body modification.

And yet, it does.

When I was 16, my oldest sister, Michelle, died tragically. My family is exceedingly fortunate that we know what happened; her body was discovered floating in the ocean. She could easily have been swept off to sea, and we would never have known.

Having been ravaged by the elements, her identification was challenging. The butterfly tattoo on Michelle’s shoulder was critical for the medical examiner and police…



Teresa Colón

Mom & knitter. Passionate about mental health & helping people feel better. The names are changed; the stories are real. Learn more at woundedbirdsministry.com.