Winter Solstice

Teresa Eccles
2 min readDec 23, 2016


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It feels oddly appropriate that we bury her on the winter solstice. The one day of the year with the least amount of sunshine. It feels as if there is less sunshine now. Less warmth.

She was such a bright light she warmed every life she touched. She personified unconditional love. She was accepting of everyone, whether she agreed with them or not. She did not judge.

My mother was an amazing human who inspired the lives she touched, even those touched briefly by her presence. She raised 8 children of her own plus helped raise over 30 foster children. At least one of those foster children wrote to her years later to let her know that the happiest two years of this child’s life were the years spent with my mom and dad.

She was quite proud of the fact that 3 of her grandchildren have fostered children. Then again, she was quite proud of all of her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

I am the youngest of her children. When I graduated from high school she studied for her GED and passed. She then started college and got her bachelor’s degree in social work at age 58. In her role as social worker she counseled many unwed mothers, addicts, and prisoners. She gave of herself willingly and in whatever way she was able. As such, she had a profound impact on hundreds of lives.

Yes, we buried a bright light on winter solstice. However. The truth is that so many other lights are shining now because of her that the world is much brighter due to her life. She loved God with all her heart and taught her children to do so as well. She was a shining example of love, giving, forgiving, persistence, acceptance, and grace. All who came into contact with her felt it immediately.

When we were asked to come up with a single Bible verse we felt best described our mother one of my brothers suggested this:

“She did what she could.” Mark 14:8

She did what she could and the world is a much brighter place for it. May we take that light and spread it further. And may each of us do what we can.



Teresa Eccles

My hope is to live a foolish and authentic life, making a difference in the world around me.