The Power of Forgiveness: Unblocking Your Heart Chakra

3 min readDec 7, 2023


By: Tamika Morrison OKELEKE

I want to share with you something that has transformed my life: the art of forgiveness. It’s something I have struggled with and took very personally when I felt betrayed or wronged by a person or situation.

Until I discovered this: many of the people I held hostage through the memory of the past, had freed themselves to continue living their lives as they wished. Meanwhile, I was keeping myself frozen in time, crystalizing the moment of pain with the memory of the past because of unforgiveness. Thereby victimizing myself. Read that again.

Forgiving has the power to set us free from feelings like anger, resentment, and bitterness, and it can quite literally unlock our heart chakra — the energy hub in our bodies focused on love, compassion, and emotional balance.

As we all strive in our quests for accomplishments and success, we sometimes neglect personal growth and the immense role forgiveness plays in our well-being. Learning to forgive and let go is vital for personal development and attracting our dream lives.

A Divine Appointment

Recently, I was given the chance to forgive someone I believed had done me wrong. It seemed to come right out of the blue — but alas, we’re in the pre-retrograde period of good ole Mercury, so it was a Divine appointment for me.

The incident happened so long ago, but as soon as I saw this person’s name in my text messages, I was immediately transported back to that moment. The same feelings of angst, disappointment, and hurt feelings overtook me. And that was when I knew this was the opportunity to…FORGIVE.

I hesitated at first, then came to realize that clinging to grudges would only hinder my growth. So, I took a deep breath, faced those emotions head-on, acknowledged my pain, and replayed the situation in my head and heart to try to understand both of our perspectives at that time.

Forgiveness: A Gateway to Growth and Transformation

Forgiveness allows us to clear blockages in the heart chakra that powers our ability to co-create a life of desire without delay. Forgiveness helps us reconcile those profound internal conflicts and transmute the energy from negative to positive.

It takes courage and openness to let go of past hurts, but its rewards of compassion, empathy, love, and ultimately desired manifestation are worth it.

Our heart chakra is crucial for maintaining a balance in our spiritual well-being — it bridges our physical reality with our spiritual growth journey. But when unresolved emotions linger within it, our capacity for love (giving and receiving) suffers tremendously.

Transformative Benefits of Forgiveness:

  • Improved Mental Health: Letting go of grudges releases damaging emotions that cause stress and anxiety.
  • Enhanced Relationships: Clearing resentment allows compassionate energies to create healthier connections.
  • Greater Self-Esteem: Forgiving reminds us that we are worthy of love and respect, despite mistakes and flaws.
  • Physical Health Benefits: Releasing emotional burdens through forgiveness could relieve some physical discomforts.
  • Spiritual Growth: Forgiveness helps us grow spiritually by releasing the negative energies that hold us back.

A Profound Transformation

Immediately upon reconnecting with this person, a sense of calmness washed over me as I allowed forgiveness to take place. To my surprise, this act of forgiveness brought about a profound transformation not only in my relationship with that person but also within myself.

The reconnection also led to a tremendous career opportunity that I would have had to work for years to get access to. As the scripture says paraphrased “God will make an enemy your footstool…” and “…owe no (wo)man nothing but Love.”

Because I chose to let go of the hurt and negativity, I experienced a new-found inner peace and discovered a renewed power of forgiveness — an immeasurable gift that transcends beyond any material blessing.

Ready to Forgive?

If you’re curious 🤔about how to effectively use and apply Universal Laws or interested in a brand astrology audit through my company’s services or personal coaching sessions, feel free to reach out. I’d be delighted to support you on your journey towards a more conscious personal brand. 🤓

