How to Effectively Plan Your Day, Every Day, To Keep You Productive and Stress Free
9 tips to help you plan for daily success.
You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.
Zig Ziglar
Some of the practices I learned in the Military, somehow carried over to civilian life. The most prominent is planning my days and weeks ahead.
The military always posted a P.O.D. - Plan of the Day, for the next day. It told our unit what we’d be doing, and we’d prepare accordingly.
The evening before, we’d consider the tools we’d need, laid out our clothes or uniforms for the next day and planned our sleeping schedule to be at our best for the assignments.
Were we effective?
Damn right.
I still lay out my clothes for the next day and plan ahead.
How much time do you spend planning each of your days?
Do you spend any time planning?
Do you wake up and slip into your same old routine?
At most, maybe you spend a little time jotting down a few things you want to accomplish.