Myrna E. Tejada
Jul 18, 2023
Photo Source: The Internet


Heaven is my star
In my soul it burns so bright
My ultimate wish
It, to eventually reach
And its air to forever breath.

In one of those stars
Sits the throne of our great czar
His emblem a star
To His birth served as herald
Harbinger of truth and light.

My ecstatic sighs
Rasp out gazing at the stars
Each and every night
Imagining my soul’s flight
How it would be a delight.

But I’m quite fearful
Forthcoming trip of my soul
For I might get lost
In that vast void could get stuck
Pray for me and wish me luck.

In a hushed prayer
Upon that star state my wish
My only request
“Lord, please be there at the gate
Welcome me with your embrace”.

© Myrtle Eve

Myrna E. Tejada

I write poetries that are worth reading. My ink is saccharine, a celebration of joy and not of pain. Come and get intoxicated with the sweetness of my poems.