The System I would build to secure a new job if I lost my current one

Tobias Aguiar
5 min readApr 17, 2023


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

You can use this same strategy to find a job if you don’t have one. It does not only applies for the case where you lose your current job.

This article is going to be straightforward. Here’s the system you can build and start applying right away. It is for embedded systems, but you can adapt to any other field that might interest you.

Some assumptions

Before I get in the subject, I’ll assume somethings :

  1. You don’t have an emergency fund to make big investments.
  2. You just have enough money for food, rent and some leisure.
  3. You have a phone and a computer.

Quick reminder : I’m not here to sell you a dream. This system I’d build won’t get you a job in 5 days. It takes time, practice, failure and improvement to get to the final stage : the job.

The first think I’d tell you to do before you start any of these steps : be mentally prepared. You’re probably going to receive many “No”s and some ghosting. You’re going to need to endure that tough phase.

Given that context, let’s get to the steps!

Step 1 : Choose a field which is in demand and you are interested in

The balance you are going to search for

You need to balance two different things :

  1. A field which is in demand on the market
  2. A field of your interest

This is the two main things you need to take into consideration when choosing your job position.

A field which is not in demand won’t have much posts for you, leaving the competition really hard. You can still try if you are experienced, but if you are fresh graduate I suggest starting with an in-demand field.

If you are not interested in the field, you will likely become bored while studying it, making it even more difficult to apply to it. It also applies if you get this job, it will be harder to go to work when you don’t feel like going to.

Then : pick 5 companies, and 5 job positions in demand (from those 5 companies but not only from them) and I would save everything about those companies, and save somewhere every job posistion that had something to do with those 5 job positions I chose.

Once that is done, let’s go to the next step.

Step 2: preparing cover letters and resumes

The secret : personalization

You need to have a copy of :

  1. A cover letter model
  2. A resume model.

Because you will be able to easily personalize it to fit the job proposition needs the best you can.

Each job position needs a whole skill-set that are not necessarily the same.

Let’s see an example :

Although an embedded software developer for wireless sensors and an embedded machine learning engineer share some foundational topics, there are specific skills required for each role that may not translate well to the other.

With that being said, you’re going to take all job positions you saved. Then :

  1. Take all job positions that are from the companies you’ve saved.
  2. Personalize your resume and cover letter to adapt the company needs

When applying, highlight your experiences, rather than just your skills. Skills can only be proved with experience.

While you are applying, you’re going to do the next step in parallel.

Step 3: Creating a content marketing strategy


What? marketing? But I’m an engineer, I don’t know marketing

My friend, if you are following the step 1, you’re already marketing yourself, but you’re not ready for this conversation yet. But anyway, this is what I would do. You’re not forced to follow.

Making yourself visible to the market

In parallel with step 1, you’re going to start creating content about the areas you are interested in a professional social media, such as linkedin. This will make your name show up in the research engine.

Also, it is an opportunity to build network, a topic which will be detailed in the next step.

Your content don’t need to be complicated. It can be show the projects you’re working on, showing some demo, writing tips that are helping you in those project so you can help others, general tips about your field.

Step 4: Skill improvement and networking

As you practice and increase your knowledge and experience, failures and new questions will arise.

That’s when you will see that you need to improve your skills. On the internet there is limitless sources of knowledge that are available! And if you don’t have any money to invest, many are available for free. So, explore as much as you can.

Search for free online events about the topics you are interested in. Try to build network, show genuine interest on something that people are doing. Ask for advice you are specifically seeking to improve your skills and knowledge from an experienced person.

Step 5: Interview preparation

As you are applying and building your online presence, you are surely going to be noticed (if you are doing correctly), and you will have some interviews set up.

Focus on testing first

First thing : the first 3 to 5 interviews, go just for testing and building confidence. Note which are the common questions frequently asked to build your “common questions” list. Search for more online.

Now, learn those questions. This does not mean knowing the answer by heart. This costs a lot to your brain. This means understanding the philosophy behind it and knowing how to structuring your answer.

The 3 why’s

One trick that I use : the 3 why’s.

This means for each question you’re going to answer, you need to give 3 layers of why, if you manage to answer all them, you have good understanding of the question.

Example :

What is the main programming language used in embedded systems ? “Your answer” . Why? “Your answer”. Why? “Your answer”. Why? “Your answer” .

I’m starting to use this and my knowledge is really improving, as well as my problem-solving skills.

Step 6: feedback

You’re going to receive an answer for each interview, which will be “yes” or “no”.

Always be grateful and ask for feedback

In any case, send an email appreciating the time and the opportunity. If you receive a no, ask for feedback in the email. For each feedback you receive, return to step 1 and apply this feedback.

Repeat this cycle until you find a job.

Simple, right?

But it is not easy. When you don’t have a job, your job is finding a job.

If you are willing to apply this entire system correctly for a couple months, it’s impossible not seeing results from it.

Final thoughts

The main message : there is no shortcut. There is no such thing if you want to achieve something and I truly believe that.

I have always had this bad habit of looking for shortcuts to achieve something in the shortest possible time with the least possible effort.

When I started stop looking for shortcuts and started facing the long path, it was a game changer for me.

I hope it can somehow be for you as well.

Thanks for reading!

Other resources

I post something about embedded systems everyday on my linkedin. If you want to stay update, lake sure to follow me here.

If you liked this article, there is one article that can complement this article’s ideas. Make sure to read it here.



Tobias Aguiar

Software developer | Trying to make complex concepts look easy | Want help or discuss about embedded software development? Email me!